
Post date: Jan 25, 2012 5:27:29 PM

Old assignment: Check each other's assignment. Does the other person have three lines of iambic meter? Is each line correct? Three lines of trochaic meter? Is each correct. Make changes if necessary. Assignment will be collected on Thursday.

New assignment, write a poem.

This poem is called a troilet (not toilet). This is how to write one.

  • This poem has eight lines
  • Write the numbers “1-8” on your paper going up-down
  • Create the first line of the poem—keep it simple
  • Copy line one onto both line four and line seven (lines 1, 4, 7 are identical)
  • Write line two
  • Copy line two onto line eight (lines 2 and 8 are identical)
  • Write the third and fifth lines—these lines must rhyme with the first line (lines 1, 3, 4, 5 and 7 rhyme)
  • Write the sixth line—it must rhyme with the second line (line 2, 6, 8 rhyme)


  1. Today we had a late start
  2. I got to school at 8:30
  3. Later today I have to go to Walmart
  4. Today we had a late start
  5. I’ll use a basket instead of a shopping cart
  6. because the carts are joke--the wheels stick, they squeak, child straps broken, and their not sturdy
  7. Today we had a late start
  8. I got to school at 8:30

Assignment: Write four troilets for tomorrow.

  • Two troilets must be written in iambic meter, two in trochaic meter.
  • Each line must have at least eight syllables.
  • You are allowed to have an extra syllable at the end of a line. This will make writing in meter easier.