
Post date: Oct 12, 2011 7:16:53 PM

Halloween Essay: We are writing Halloween stories. We are at the beginning of this process. For tomorrow, students must have an outline of their story.

Students should write a one to three sentence description for each of these parts of a story:

  1. Synopsis: A synopsis is a description of the whole story from start to finish, please describe it in one to three sentences
  2. Exposition: The who, the where, and the when of a story; also the explanation of how the characters are connected to each other
  3. Conflict: The main problem of the story
  4. Inciting action: The first appearance of the main problem of the story
  5. Climax: The solution to the problem; the way the problem was solved or made to go away
  6. Rising action: Everything that happens between "inciting action" and "climax"; usually involves gaining more information about the problem, meeting new characters who help or hurt, or acquiring a new skill or ability that will help solve the problem.
  7. Falling action: at least one unexpected consequence from the way the problem was solved
  8. Resolution: How life returns to normal, or what the hero learned
  9. Connection: Tell how this story is connected to Halloween

Students must write the words that are in bold, then do what the instructions that follow say what to do.