
Post date: Sep 18, 2012 7:26:01 PM


Students have one vocabulary word that they need to find a variety of information on. The complete list of vocabulary words can be found here.

Each student was assigned one vocabulary word. For that word, students must do the following:

  • Write a dictionary's definition for the word; if the word has multiple definitions, students should choose the one that they think is used most often or the definition that they best understand
  • Rewrite the dictionary's definition in the student's own words (paraphrase the dictionary's definition)
  • Write three synonyms (words that mean the same thing)
  • Write one antonym (word that means the opposite)
  • Venn Diagram: find one thing that the synonyms and antonyms have in common (example: big and little have "size" in common, light and heavy have "weight" in common)
  • Write a paragraph and use the word in one of the sentences; the other sentences should help explain what the word means
  • Find, draw, or print a picture, clip art, or image that could be used in a description of your word; if you used your word to describe a picture, what would that picture be?