Confused Words

Words on this list are commonly confused or mixed up. Such words often look similar (homographs) or sound similar (homophones) but have vastly different definitions.

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1 A, an

Accept, except

Adapt, adopt

Adverse, averse

Advice, advise

2 Affect, effect

All ready, already

All together, altogether

Allude, elude

Allusion, illusion

3 Alot, a lot

Among, between

Amount, number

Ante-, anti-

Anyone, any one

4 Back up, backup

Beside, besides

Bring, take

Can, may

Capital, capitol

5 Censor, censure

Cite, site, sight

Climactic, climatic

Coarse, course

Conscience, conscious

6 Disinterested, uninterested

Elicit, illicit

Eminent, imminent

Eventually, ultimately

Everybody, every one

7 Explicit, implicit

Farther, further

Fewer, less

Imply, infer

Ingenious, ingenuous

8 Irregardless, regardless

Its, it’s

Loose, lose

Maybe, may be

Passed, past

9 Precede, proceed

Principal, principle

Quote, quotation

Raise, rise

Respectfully, respectively

10 Than, then

There, their, they’re

To, too, two

Weather, whether

Your, you’re

Assignment: Mixed Up Message

(or What you're really saying when you use the wrong word)

Example 1: All together vs Altogether

All together

Definition: All together are two words that mean that everybody or everything is in a group.

Synonym: in unison, simultaneously, all at one time

Sentence: We went all together to the bowling party so that we would need to drive only one car. This sentence is correct. You, however, need to make it incorrect, like this: We went totally and completely to the bowling party so that we would need to drive only one car.


Definition: Altogether is an adverb that means completely or on the whole.

Synonym: completely, totally

Sentence: The study of logic is altogether appropriate in a critical reading course. This sentence is correct. You, however, need to make it incorrect, like this: The study of logic is simultaneously and in unison appropriate in a critical reading course.

Example 2: Sea vs See


Definition: the expanse of salt water that covers most of the earth's surface and surrounds its landmasses

Synonym: A bunch of water, ocean

Sentence: (Correct) I like swimming in the waves of the sea. (Incorrect) I like swimming in the waves of the spot, notice, or catch sight of.


Definition: to perceive with the eyes, to discern visually

Synonym: spot, notice, catch sight of

Sentence: (Correct) I can not see when my eyes are closed. (Incorrect) I can not a bunch of water or ocean when my eyes are closed.

Your sentences must use the incorrect synonym.

Directions: Circle the correct answer

  1. I have (all ready, already) loaded the luggage into the car.
  2. The earthquake has caused the collapse of the bridge to be (eminent, imminent).
  3. The dispute (eventually, ultimately) needed to be resolved before the contract could be finalized.
  4. The magician had many neat (allusions, illusions).
  5. Richard hit the ball 100 yards. Elaine hit the ball 103 yards. Who hit the ball (farther, further)?
  6. I think I need (fewer, less) caffeine.
  7. If you tell her we were at the store, she might (imply, infer) we were shopping.
  8. (Irregardless, regardless) of the reason, the payment is late.
  9. The fish were able to (adapt, adopt) to the colder water in a short time.
  10. The necklace has been (passed, past) from mother to daughter for 120 years.
  11. Dinner will (precede, proceed) the movie.
  12. I need to use at least one (quote, quotation) in my research report.
  13. The data for Joe, Lou, and Mia were 47, 43, and 41, (respectfully, respectively).
  14. First take the garbage out, (than, then) shut the garage door.
  15. What (amount, number) of flour does the recipe call for?
  16. If you have the password, then you can (precede, proceed).
  17. I like blue better (than, then) green.
  18. Your parents can (advice, advise) you on the best way to do that.
  19. The car is parked (among, between) the two buildings.
  20. We must pull on the rope (all together, altogether) to make it work.
  21. I would like to have all of the toppings (accept, except) pickles.
  22. (Its, It’s) all the same to me.
  23. I put the box (beside, besides) the other boxes.
  24. Would you please (backup, back up) the car so that we can get the bikes out?
  25. If you run fast, you might (allude, elude) capture.
  26. Even though it is not written down, everyone knows the (explicit, implicit) warning you don’t put your finger in an electrical outlet.
  27. He was as better (than, then) his brother.
  28. I think pickles are disgusting; I am greatly (adverse, averse) to eating them.
  29. (Can, May) I go to the bathroom?
  30. I thought about lying to my mom but my (conscience, conscious) told me that it would be a bad idea.
  31. We are (all ready, already) to leave.
  32. The speaker is an (eminent, imminent) scientist in the field of biology.
  33. The astronauts (eventually, ultimately) did return to Earth with all of them safe.
  34. Your (allusions, illusions) to love stories and romantic comedies makes me think that you like someone.
  35. I did well in the game but I think that if I practiced (farther, further), I could get better.
  36. Please put (fewer, less) salt on your food.
  37. If you talk about unicorns one more time, I am going to (imply, infer) that you are obsessed with unicorns.
  38. (Irregardless, regardless) of the witnesses that you have, I still believe that you are guilty.
  39. I will (adapt, adopt) the lost fish that I found.
  40. We have had spaghetti for the (passed, past) four nights--I’m getting tired of it.
  41. We could not (precede, proceed) in the game unless we bought a membership.
  42. Did anyone (quote, quotation) the speaker?
  43. I (respectfully, respectively) disagree with you.
  44. First I washed the dishes, (than, then) I put them away.
  45. The (amount, number) of corn planted this year is expected to be larger than the corn planted last year.
  46. You can only (precede, proceed) if you know the correct code.
  47. My mom is better (than, then) my dad at fixing things.
  48. My mom gave me good (advice, advise): Don’t go to sleep with gum in your mouth.
  49. (Among, Between) the many trees in the forest are my lost sunglasses.
  50. The chores are (all together, altogether) finished.
  51. She might (accept, except) my apology if I apologized publicly.
  52. The garden center is having (its, it’s) big sale this weekend.
  53. I do not want to play that video game, (beside, besides) the disk is broken so we can’t anyway.
  54. Just you and I have to paint the entire house? I think we may need (backup, back up)
  55. You keep saying, “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.” Well, what are you trying to (allude, elude)?
  56. The sign was (explicit, implicit), “This Store is Not Responsible for Lost or Stolen Property.”
  57. What is better (than, then) Saturday?
  58. You should go home. I know how (adverse, averse) your mom is to you getting home late.
  59. (Can, May) a robin fly 400 miles in 24 hours?
  60. She remained (conscience, conscious) throughout the operation.