
Post date: Sep 12, 2011 8:25:09 PM

Students must write sentences for each of their five vocabulary words. The words are cling, closing, compact, connotation, and consult.

The sentences must use the word and use the word in such a way that only the vocabulary word or or synonyms (other words that mean the same thing) could go into the paragraph. Here is how to do this using "enormous" as an example:

A bad sentence: "The place was enormous." Or, "The place was _____." This is a bad sentence because many words could go in the blank.

A good sentence: "The Grand Canyon stretched as far as one could see. The bottom of the canyon was lost to view and left to the imagination. How long would one have to wait for a rock thrown over the side to hit the bottom. Looking up, the sides of the cliff soared into the distant sky. The canyon truly was __________."

'Enormous' can go in the blank, as could any synonym of 'enormous' (big, huge, large, vast, etc.) but no antonym (small, little, tiny) could go into the blank.

Write sentences or paragraphs for these five words: cling, closing, compact, connotation, and consult.