
Post date: Oct 6, 2011 7:40:41 PM

Test tomorrow. Tomorrow there will be a test on the "Elements of Fiction." Students will have a list of the bold words below. Students will need to write the definition of each word. The words can be found on page 15 and 16 of their textbook. Or, study what is written below.

  • Fiction: A made-up story; a story that is not real
    • Short Story: A story that can be read at one time
    • Novel: A story that takes more than one day or week or month to read
  • Character: A person in a story (or an animal, alien, monster who has a name)
    • Main Character: The hero of a story; the one who must deal with the story's problem; the person the story is about
    • Minor Character: The other people in the story; minor characters enter the story and leave the story; minor characters do not have to worry about the problems in the story
  • Setting: Where and when the story takes place
  • Plot: The events (actions) that happen in a story; the physical actions that the characters in a story do
    • Exposition: All of the background information at the start of a story that tells readers when and where the story is happening, who the story is about, and how the characters are connected to each other; the place in the story where readers find out what "normal" is for the main character
    • Inciting Action: The moment in the story where the story's conflict/problem (the enemy or villain) first appears; the moment in the story where something NOT normal happens
    • Rising Action: The first half of the story; the place in the story where the main character discovers more about the problem, more about him or herself, more about what might solve the problem or not solve the problem; new characters are introduced; the main character acquires new skills, tools, knowledge, or friends to help him or her solve the problem
    • Climax: The part of the story where the problem is confronted
    • Falling Action: The results, the consequences, of the way in which the hero confronted the problem (or beat the villain)
    • Resolution: Life returns to normal but the hero is different for the experience
  • Theme: The meaning about life that the story tries to tell