Analogies Types: Friendly List

Analogies: Reader-friendly version of the master list

Antonyms (or, words that mean the opposite)

Hot : cold

Up : down

Forward : backward

Part to whole (or, this item is actually one part of a bigger item)

Player : team

Slice : pizza

Letter : word

Chapter : book

Scene : play

Whole to part (or, this is all of something but this is only one part of the thing)

Pie : slice

Team : player

Book : page

Word : letter

Degree of Intensity (or, how far or to what extreme does something go?)

Warm : hot

Hot : scalding

Dislike : hatred

Like : love

Interest : obsession

Jog : run

Cold : freezing

Cause/Effect (or, because this happens, it results in this other thing happening)

Spark : fire

Lightning : thunder

Rain : flood

Bomb : explosion

Type of (or, here is an item and this is the category that the item belongs to)

Bee : insect

Sunflower : flower

Nike : shoe

Oak : tree

Product and Function (this is what happened and here is what it means)

soap : clean

fuel : burn

scissors : cut

pen : write

Action or Symbol and Meaning

bow : respect

cheer : approval

clap : approval

snore : sleep

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