Analogy Test

You try. Can you find the correct answer?

: means "is to"

:: means "as"


1. Chevy : car ::

Back : room

Desk : table

Artic cat : four wheeler

Grass : home

2. Short story : novel ::

Hair : table

Paper : table

Red : car

Single-engine airplane : Jumbo 747

3. engagement : marriage ::

wedding : divorce

chemo-therapy : hair loss

fights : love

walking : jogging

4. Limestone : rock ::

Eagle : America

Storms : power outage

Diamonds : mineral

Book : shelf

5. Kneel : beg ::

Curtsy : thank you

Hot : cold

Chocolate : ice cream

Cold : freezing

6. speedometer : car ::

day : week

Honda : Civic

Spider : arachnid

Bald eagle : United states


7. Cat : Mouse :: [a. polar bear, b. lion, c. orca, d. rat]: Eland

8. [a. Annapolis, b. Mary, c. Baltimore, d. McHenry] : Maryland :: Penn : Pennsylvania

9. Capon : [a. rooster, b. turkey, c. chicken, d. steer] :: Mule : Tangelo

10. Ari : Uris :: [a. Michael, b. Gaetano, c. Richard, d. Mario] :: Puzo

11. Bach : Da Vinci :: Monet [a. Bronte, b. Kant, c. Jefferson, d. Sibelius]

12. Hail : Hale :: [a. pale, b. pair, c. pear, d. whale] : Pare

13. Oil : [a. sun, b. gasoline, c. fuel, d. olive] :: coal : wind

14. [a. crime, b. punishment, c. jury, d. verdict] : Sentence :: Ante-penult : Penult

15. Tulip : Aster :: Spring : [a. chicken, b. jump, c. fall, d. well]

16. Its : It's :: [a. their, b. their's, c. there, d. there's] : They're

Just Don't Even Try

17. Skinner : Behaviorism :: [a. Adler, b. Terman, c. Kant, d. Wertheimer] : Gestalt

18. Hare : [a. rabbit, b. tortoise, c. terrapin, d. hart] :: Fox : Grapes

19. Orr : Pele :: [a. hockey, b. baseball, c. football, d. horse racing] : soccer

20. Atom : Molecule :: Gene : [a. heredity, b. genetics, c. DNA, d. chromosome]

21. Tom Sawyer : [a. Mark Twain, b. Samuel Clements, c. Becky Thatcher, d. David Copperfield] :: Hazel : Fiver

22. [a. Washington, b. Jefferson, c. Franklin, d. Lincoln] : Madison :: Declaration of Independence : Constitution

23. Deer : [a. deer, b. moose, c. dear, d. swan] :: Goose : Geese

24. Paris : France :: [a. Amsterdam, b. Holland, c. Rotterdam, d. The Hague] : Netherlands

25. Clubfoot : Harelip :: Hydrocephalus : [a. hydrophobia, b. spina bifida, c. hemiplegia, d. poliomyelitis]

26. Noon : Eve :: [a. pop, b. dine, c. moon, d. morn] : Sup