Student Feedback

Advice from previous classes on how to do well in Mr. DeGroot’s class.

  • Lots of homework and do it or you will fall behind
  • Do your homework, listen
  • Do your homework; don’t fall behind
  • Do your homework, write down ALL the notes
  • Do your homework
  • Be mature
  • Do your homework
  • Don’t fall behind, do homework, read book
  • Do your homework and do it right
  • Do all your homework. Don’t fall behind!
  • Do your homework or you will fail; pay attention in clss and you will do okay, make sure you read the stories or you will do bad on the tests
  • Do your homework, take good notes, pay attention and study hard and you’ll do good
  • Act like a grownup
  • Read the assigned pages
  • Show up and do your work, even though it seems silly, it isn’t
  • Don’t screw around and act your age
  • Actually read the book for the test
  • Do your work, study for tests
  • Be responsible for yourself and get your work done
  • Do all your work, study, do everything with good quality
  • Don’t try for attention
  • It is absotively impossible to fail any of Mr. DeGroot’s classes IF you DO YOUR WORK!
  • Don’t argue, Mr. D. is fair
  • Do all of your homework
  • Do the reading and don’t look for attention
  • Keep an open mind, don’t slack, stay on track
  • Don’t daydream, do your homework
  • Listen to him, read what you are suppose to do, do all homework
  • Read what he tells you to do and do your homework
  • Do all the reading and hand in your assignments
  • Turn in your work on time
  • Don’t mess around
  • Read everything, do homework, when there is a work day, use it
  • Do your homework, take good notes, listen and do any extra credit available
  • If you want to pass, DON’T screw around!
  • Do your homework, study for the final, read the stories or chapters Mr. DeGroot assigns, and don’t have an attitude and you will be fine.
  • Don’t slack off, keep up with all your homework and do a good job, Mr. DeGroot is cool
  • Pay attention and do everything your supposed to
  • Do your homework and listen in class
  • Do your work and act like an adult
  • Do all of your assignments and hand them in on time
  • Read everything you need to
  • Get all of your homework done on time, study for tests, be ready for pop quizzes, listen, take books home,
  • Focus on Mr. DeGroot
  • Focus on the assignments
  • Do your homework
  • Listen, take notes, and study
  • Do your work, be mature
  • Finish your work
  • Read along when stuff is read aloud
  • Do work at home
  • Pay attention to the teacher and keep up with homework assignments
  • Don’t mess around
  • Don’t sleep
  • Listen to directions about assignments
  • Keep things that are returned to you—you will need them later
  • Get good at memorizing
  • Study for tests and pay attention in class
  • Pay attention in class
  • Study and do your work
  • Don't slack off
  • Actually put effort into assignments
  • Don't argue with Mr. DeGroot
  • Act your age
  • Don't sleep, skip class, or fall behind
  • Focus
  • Do your homework
  • Be nice to Mr. D
  • Do your homework and don't argue with Mr. D
  • Don't be afraid to ask questions
  • Pay attention and study
  • Do your work
  • Focus on your work and do the whole assignment not just part of it
  • Study and pay attention
  • Don't waste time talking or you won't learn anything
  • Listen
  • Don't be like me [name of student who did not do as well as he or she could have done]
  • Respect your classmates and Mr. D
  • Whatever you do don't fall asleep, he won't wake you up until you wake up and you should do your homework and he does really care about you
  • Stay on task
  • Be confident
  • Don't talk back to Mr. DeGroot because it gets you no where
  • Mr. DeGroot cares
  • Excuses do not work
  • Just do the tasks
  • Don't talk to friends in class
  • Grades show effort, not intelligence
  • Do your homework the first time, doing it twice is more difficult
  • Don't pass notes--he reads them
  • Mr. DeGroot does not hate you, he hates your behaviors
  • Listen to your classmates when they tell you to be quiet
  • Don't text in class
  • Don't get detention
  • Keep your locker and stuff organized
  • Mr. DeGroot will allow you to fail, if you chose to
  • The only time you get detention is when you don't listen to this
  • Use self-control
  • turn your phone off
  • listen to other people's opinions
  • don't be judgmental
  • don't let anyone ruin your dreams
  • Be confident in yourself
  • Be optimistic
  • Allow others to learn
  • Allow Mr. DeGroot the time to teach
  • Don't interrupt others
  • Don't argue
  • Do homework
  • Don't talk or you get detention
  • Don't cause drama
  • Don't throw stuff
  • Do everything on your (book) projects
  • Don't talk back
  • Don't talk to other students during class
  • Mr. DeGroot is never wrong
  • Read during reading time
  • Always check the website and do what the website says
  • Grow up
  • Don't flirt
  • Be nice
  • Don't protest
  • Don't whisper
  • Have self-control
  • No threatening
  • Be loose with what Mr. DeGroot talks about
  • Don't talk about other people
  • Don't quit
  • Relax
  • Be open-minded
  • Don't talk about others
  • Don't laugh at others
  • Do essays when essays are assigned
  • Have faith in yourself and try your best
  • Don't stress out about 300-word essays because they really are only just a page
  • Don't lose your assignments, don't leave them in your locker
  • Raise your hand, don't just blurt stuff out
  • Mr. D will only get mad if you screw around
  • Don't argue with Mr. D, he is always right
  • Careful! Mr. DeGroot gives detentions
  • Mr. DeGroot gives extra chances
  • You can get detention by talking to people at random
  • No messing around in class
  • Focus on school work, not on others
  • Don't act stupid
  • No smart-Alec comments
  • Listen to Mr. DeGroot--he us usually right
  • Do your homework to be on Mr. DeGroot's good side
  • Be smart about the decisions you make
  • No racists comments
  • Always do your homework because your grade is based on your homework
  • Extra credit is there for a reason
  • Always do your extra credit because it is difficult to explain your grade to your parents if they know you skipped the extra credit
  • Learn grammar
  • Being an over-achiever is actually just being an achiever; in other words, what you think of as "over" achieving is what others think of as minimum effort