
Post date: Feb 21, 2012 4:32:32 PM

Due on Wednesday, finished version of your melodrama.

1. Merge your story and another person's story into one story. You and him or her will have two separate stories.

2. Label the separate parts of your story. These are the labels you must use:

  • an obvious villain,
  • a heroine in distress,
  • a good but not very clever hero tricked by the bad guy,
  • an important piece of paper falls into the wrong hands,
  • an unusual location for a story,
  • love and crime going hand-in-hand,
  • awkward social situations both funny and embarrassing,
  • young lovers who do not know they are perfect for each other,
  • justice,
  • improbable events come together, and
  • a miraculous ending where all problems are neatly resolved.

3. Self-check your story for Ideas, see attached rubric

4. Self-check your story for Sentence Fluency, see attached rubric