
Post date: Sep 25, 2012 7:24:05 PM

Students have a new list of vocabulary words. Students will have a test on these words on Thursday. Students have an assignment with one of these words. The assignment is to complete a "vocabulary organizer" (also posted below) for their one word.

  1. criticize--to judge or evaluate; to find both good and bad things about something
  2. cropped--to cut short
  3. denotation--the meaning (definition) of a word as found in a dictionary
  4. derivation--endings of a word, variations of a word; example: happy, happier, happiest, happily
  5. description--telling what something is by using one's five senses; telling what something looks like, smells like, tastes like, feels like, or sounds like
  6. desolate--to have nothing of value or use left over, destruction as in a fire or tornado
  7. devise--to use one's brain or other resources to create a plan or tool that would be helpful
  8. diagram--a picture that helps explain something, like a blueprint
  9. dialect--a manner of talking that is specific to a certain part of the country
  10. dialogue--written conversation between two or more people
  11. dictate--to command or order others to do something
  12. dilapidate--to be in need of repairs
  13. diminish--to shrink or to be reduced in strength or influence
  14. due--the word for "when something is expected to be finished"
  15. editorial--an opinion that is printed in a newspaper
  16. elaborate--to explain something in greater detail
  17. endure--to suffer patiently; to last
  18. enunciate--to say or pronounce clearly
  19. etiquette--do's and dont's for behaving in public
  20. etymology--the history of a word; how a word has changed over time