War ...Who needs it

War..Who Needs It?  


(taken from the Internet…Anon)




Where have all the children gone--long time passing?


Who will stop the madness of a world sending its children off to war to kill other people's children in other lands?


What in God's name is the matter with us? We were supposed to protect, care for, nurture, and love these little ones. "Rights of the Child---Protect the Children---Amber Alerts--Don't Take Candy from Strangers---Buckle-up---Watch for Cars--Playground Safety--Zero Tolerance---Safety Locks on Guns---Security Alarms---Fire Alarms---Carbon Monoxide Alarms---Danger, Second-Hand Smoke---Danger, Drawstrings on Snowsuits---Safety Caps---Curfews---No Child Left Behind etc."


This isn't about marching, drumming, signs, die-ins, singing, flags, candle-light vigils, yellow-ribbons, flags, bugles, support the troops, bring'em home, nor hate filled labels of anti-American, treason, war-hawks, love it or leave it".


This is about kids killing kids. Plain and simple. This is about hate, anger, revenge, greed, power, conquest, oil, contracts, and weapons of unimaginable vaporizing destruction, terrifying and shredding children. Their children and our children. For what? Freedom, democracy, liberation, evil, terrorism?


You don't annihilate a people and their land with fire storms, cluster bombs, bunker busters, tanks and missiles and call it "liberation-freedom-nor democracy". It's murder, it's killing, it's barbarism, it's savage and loathsome.


Children in an Army Base School putting up pictures and writing stories of their mothers and fathers off killing "the bad guys". The teacher tells them as they cry that they can hug them in their minds. No they can't. They want a mommy to be there when they fall down and daddy to tuck them in at night, catch ball with them, see their first steps. Instead we have their dads and moms off killing other children's moms and dads. What's wrong with this picture? In war everyone loses. Everyone that is except those making a profit from death.


Young men, hardly out of high school waved off at docks and now dying. Dying for what? How does one kill evil with evil? How do you make sense over using the most horrific weapons of mass destruction seen on the face of the earth because some dust bowl ravaged country, might--just might someday have what we're killing them with. Somebody tell me how this makes sense. How in God's precious name do you tell people that after you're finished with the terrifying "Shock and Awe" that you're going to fed them and give the kids chocolate bars to make everything right? How? Not with a flag and not with a peace sign, it can't be done. Where there is no justice there can be no peace. Peace is an outward manifestation of a heart's attitude of love for all humanity---all.


The supposed adults in all this mayhem, starvation, bombings, and death are too busy ripping and tearing at one another. The adult police are beating down the people who cry for peace and arresting them. Why? Because they're against killing? Tell me somebody how this makes sense? Then you have people with flags and signs shouting, 'support the troops' at the peace people. Others seeing an excuse for destruction of property break windows and turn over cars. Then the other adults, the ones who plan wars, and make the weapons, instruct other adults on TV to tell the people that everything is going fine." Today we killed 50 here and another 30 here. Twenty were killed by friendly fire, some are missing, others are maimed, but we're going to decapitate and get to the center of gravity and win this thing. Maybe not in a week or month or six months, but win we will." Then some dusty generals get up and tell everyone how it should be done and some Public Relations hirelings called "experts" talk about insane nothings.


And more people march, and more flags are waved, and the dying goes on, and some people count all the money they're making and watch the stock market. As an aside, it's mentioned that some people died somewhere the numbers are not known, but we must keep killing because a madman is loose!


The children keep killing one another and the children of the bad guys and the good guys keep dying, because the big people have lost their minds. Everyone has forgotten about the children. Where have all the children gone, long time passing.....we've killed them every one. And an only son of a father in Baltimore and a father in Texas come home--dead, and soon are forgotten. A picture, a flag, a medal and maybe another Wall to visit someday and look at a name.


A little girl dancing down a cobbled street, running after her grandpa; is lifted from the rubble of a bunker buster, cluster bomb, missile---what matter. Her little feet are gone, only shredded bone is left. The shaggy purple jacket, her favorite, is dirty and bloody . Her lifeless little body shows no joy on her ashen face of being "liberated".


Day Ten, and the bombs continue with the sky ablaze. A little boy, traumatized into silent horror, sits beside his shattered baby brother, maybe all of four years old, in a cheap wooden box waiting to be buried between the rain of terror. Freedom's child will never reach for the promised chocolate. And tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow the adults will bomb, will beat their clubs on shields, will wave their flags, tie their ribbons, and talk about another mighty weapon.


Nobody will see the grief of fathers burying their only sons. They will not give a thought to liberation's missing feet; nor for freedom's mangled little body covered in blood. War kills everyone. War drives people mad. War is the real bad guy, War and his soulless minions.


If I'm laden at all

I'm laden with sadness

That everyone's heart

Isn't filled with gladness

And love for one another

It's a long, long road

From which there is no return

While we're on the way to there

Why not share

And the load doesn't weigh me down at all

He ain't heavy, he's my brother

He's My Brother (unknown)