Kaleidoscope of Characters - Page 2 of 4

Page 1 | Page 2 | Page 3 | Page 4  | Acknowledgements

13. God’s word to Joshua | 14. Deborah Judge and Prophetess | 15. Gideon has to be sure | 16. Gideon Mighty Warrior | 17. Samson & the source of his strength | 18. Song of Ruth | 19. God calls Samuel | 20. David and Goliath | 21. King Saul (Run David Run!) | 22. King Solomon’s Dream | 23. King Solomon’s Judgement | 24. Elijah the Tishbite

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CD’s @ £10 and songbooks @ £1.50 are also available and can be obtained by emailing sheilahamil@googlemail.com (p&p £1.50)

13. God's word to Joshua

 Taken from the Old Testament story about Joshua, who takes over the leadership role of Moses. 

It is called 'God's Word to Joshua'. 

The song is set to the traditional tune "In and Out Those Dusty Bluebells".

 Here God promises to guide Joshua and be with him, as he leads his people into 

the Promised Land. Joshua 1.6-8 

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14 Deborah Judge and Prophetess

Taken from the Old Testament story of Deborah, the only female judge mentioned in the Bible.

 The song 'Deborah, Judge and Prophetess' is set to the traditional tune "Old Mac Donald",

 and tells of her wisdom, her leadership, and her judgement in battle.

 Judges 4.4-16

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15 Gideon has to be sure.

Taken from the Old Testament story where God calls Gideon;

 It's called'Gideon Has to Be Sure'and the song is set to the traditional tune "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star".

  This song is about Gideon's need for a sign to confirm that God was indeed calling him

 to lead his people to freedom from the grip of the Midianites. 

Judges 6.36-40

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16 Gideon, mighty Warrior.

Taken from the Old Testament story of Gideon, and is called Gideon, Mighty Warrior.

 It is set to the traditional tune "The Grand Old Duke of York".

 In it Gideon listens to God's instructions carefully, and reduces the number of his fighting force, from 32,000 to 300 skilful men.

 God shows him how the battle before him is his problem, and not Gideon's. 

Judges 7

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17 Samson and the Source of his Strength

Taken from the Old Testament story about Samson; 

It's called'Samson and the Source of His Strength'and the song is set to the traditional tune "Oh Dear What Can The Matter Be?". 

 This song is about the secret of Samson's strength, and Samson manages to keep the secret from everyone, that is until Delilah comes along.

 Judges 16.4-31

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18 Song of Ruth.

Taken from the Old Testament story of Ruth and Naomi; 

It's called'The Song of Ruth'and the song is set to the traditional tune "We have Camp-fired Here".  

This song shows how faithful Ruth was in befriending her widowed mother-in-law, Naomi. 

She refuses to leave her alone and defenceless far away from her homeland, and returns to Bethlehem with her to provide for her there. 

Ruth 1.1-18

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19 God calls Samuel.

Taken from the Old Testament story of Samuel who is called by God as a child. and set to the traditional tune, 'Rock a Bye Baby'.

The song is called 'God Calls Samuel.

He is just a young child when God calls him, and being young he does not recognise whose voice it is.

Three times he runs to Eli in the night, convinced that the voice is his.

Eli finally realises who it is who calls him; and he tells the boy to listen to whatever it is that God wants to say.

1 Samuel 3.1-10

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20 David and Goliath

Taken from the Old Testament story about David and Goliath; the song is set to the traditional tune "Marching Through Georgia".

This song is about the courage of a young shepherd boy called David who, having fought against lions and bears out in the fields,

 takes up the challenge to fight against a giant called Goliath, champion of the Philistine army. 

David steps forward, sling and stones in hand, completely trusting in God's power to save him and his nation. 

1 Samuel 17

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21 King Saul: Run David Run

Taken from the Old Testament story about King Saul pursuing David in order to have him killed;

 It's called'Run David Run'and the song is set to the familiar wartime tune "Run Rabbit Run". 

 This song is about David's popularity with all the people, and how King Saul's thoughts gradually turn from admiration to jealousy. 

 1 Samuel 18.6-9

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22 King Solomon's Dream

Taken from the Old Testament story about King Solomon's Dream; and it is set to the traditional tune "Sing a Song of Sixpence". 

In this song we see how God asks Solomon, in a dream, to make a wish. 

God is so very pleased with his answer. What would we have asked for?  

1 Kings 3.7-15

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23 King Solomon's Judgement

Taken from the Old Testament. 

It's called'King Soloon's Judgement' and the song is set to the traditional tune "Ten Green Bottles".  

Solomon asked God for wisdom, and here we see that gift in action, 

when two angry women appear before the king with what seems to be a problem with no possible solution. 

1 Kings 3.16-28

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24 Elijah the Tishbite.

Taken from the Old Testament story about Elijah the Tishbite; and it is set to the traditional tune "Michael Finnegan". 

This song tells the story of a prophet with a difficult job on his hands, 

as the wicked King and Queen create havoc and misery in the land, with their greed and idolatry.   

 1 Kings 16.29 to the end of Chapter 18

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