Famous last words

Famous Last Words


I will burn, but this is a mere incident.

We shall continue our discussion

in eternity.

Michael Servetus (1511-1553)

Final words to the inquisition.


"They couldn't hit an elephant at this dist--."

Sedgwick, John "Uncle John," General (1813-1864)

Now comes the mystery.

~~ Henry Ward Beecher, evangelist, d. March 8, 1887

God will pardon me, that's his line of work.

~~ Heinrich Heine, poet, d. February 15, 1856

Why do you weep. Did you think I was immortal?

~~ Louis XIV, King of France, d. 1715

Too late for fruit, too soon for flowers.

~~ Walter De La Mare, writer, d. 1956

Get my swan costume ready.

~~ Anna Pavlova, ballerina, d. 1931

have offended God and mankind because my work did not reach the quality it should have.

~~ Leonardo da Vinci, artist, d. 1519

Either that wallpaper goes, or I do.

~~ Oscar Wilde, writer, d. November 30, 1900