Christmas Photograph

A photographer and his assistant enter the stable and begin to position Mary, Joseph and the baby Jesus in place for a photograph. Before the photograph is taken, the following people, in the order below, interrupt, and eventually crowd out the holy family, and soon baby Jesus sadly disappears from view.


The actors must be ready to enter when it is their turn. When they hear (Knock, Knock and the assistant approaches you, someone in each group says words such as these

“Excuse me? Could we come in and be on the photo too please?”


(Photographer to HOLY FAMILY)

‘Italian’ photographer: Please a come with me, and take a-your place over here. (he fusses around them and goes over to his camera, set up on tripod?) Ready say che--eese



Photographer to assistant. Oh no, who can that a be? See who it is?

Excuse me? Could we come in and be on the photo too please?



they would like to be on the photo. (They enter) Will the cow be warm enough out there ...or is it Fresian? Is it the only cow or is there an udder one?

(They are placed to one side of the holy family)


Now ready say che--eese


Photographer to assistant. Oh no, who can that be. See who it is?

Excuse me? Could we come in and be on the photo too please?



Asst: We have here some SHEPHERDS, LAMB, ANGEL

They want to be on the photo, shall we let them in or shall I ask them to wait in the baaaaaa?

(They are placed to the other side of the holy family)


Now ready say che--eese


Photographer to assistant. Oh not again who can that a be. See who it is?


Excuse me? Could we come in and be on the photo too please?


Asst; We’ve got a MAGI problem here, here are some WISE MEN they want to know if they can be on the photograph too.

(They go behind the holy family)


Follow the same pattern of words or similar ad lib from the assistant,  for the following groups


CAROL SINGERS (enter singing ‘Three French hens, two turtle doves and a partridge in a pear tree.)

Asst: This family say they’ll sing another carol if we don’t let them on the photograph too!”

They stand in front and so on…


SANTA, MARY CHRISTMAS, RUDOLPH...and Rudolph’s got a bit of a cold!” or Rudolph can’t come , he’s got a cold“oh deer”


CHRISTMAS CRACKER AND FAIRY Asst: ...This one’s a bit crackers and the fairy says there’s no way she’s going to sit on top of a tree



Asst: Puss couldn’t get here any earlier, she’s been out buying more boots, and genie’s delighted to be here; says he has been out in a very long time.


CHRISTMAS PRESENTS Asst:  Is that everyone now? Present and correct?”


Photographer: NOW THAT’S A PERFECT. MAGNEE-FICENT! That’s what I a call Christmas”


By this time Jesus cannot be seen at all


Finally a young child comes up to the photographer, from his chair, and asks the all important question…,”


Child: But where is baby Jesus ? We can’t see baby Jesus.


Photographer: I don’t a-believe it! Let’s a start again! (He rearranges them and takes a photo at last.)


Characters go off and back to seats happily.



I haven’t a clue who thought of this drama idea, but we heard about it one Christmas and used it, and it was well received. If the original author contacts me, with proof of penmanship,  I can give credit where it’s due.