A Time To Remember

                                                                                                                                                                                    KEY STAGE 1&2

 (Resource Pack  26)   

VISUAL AID:  Remembrance Day Poppy and a picture of a Passion flower    


(See full script in  my free assembly book :-But It’s Only Nine o’ Clock In The Morning)




...so this is the reason many of us wear poppies in our lapels, to remind us of the blood that is spilt, and the lives that are lost, and the grief that is brought about through war.


But there’s another flower I've brought along today, reminds us not only of peace and remembrance, but of forgiveness and healing .


It's this one (illustration) the Passion Flower. To many people it is a flower which speaks of Christ's love for us on the cross, and the need to love even our enemies.


Five petals and five sepals:- Ten apostles, minus Judas the traitor & Peter who denied Jesus.

The purple carolla:- the number of thorns in Christ's crown.

Three pistil stigma:- the nails.

The five stamens:- the five wounds.

The leaf (lance shaped):- the spear which wounded Christ's side.

The dark spots below the leaves:- the pieces of silver which betrayed Jesus.

The flowers are spent after a single day:- the time Jesus spent on the cross.

The petals reclose, they do not fall:- remind us of the tomb Jesus was buried in.

The palmate leaves:- his accusers hands.

The tendrils:- the cords that bound him.

The fruit itself:- the earth for which Jesus promised Salvation.




Lord God, we thank you for the men and women who have fought and died in times of war, even though we don't always understand the reasons for war.


Help us in thinking about both of these flowers to pray for peace and love and forgiveness in this world, and help us be peacemakers in our work and in our play.

Amen                                                                                                                                                                          John 15. 13