Mr Short and Mr Tall (War)


(Resource Pack   108)                                                                         KEY STAGES 3 &4


An assembly based on an old black and white Laurel and Hardy motion picture I once saw.

This is done using mime, and it would be wise to choose the school’s most talented two actors/mime artists if possible. * REPRESENTS MIME ACTION.


Once upon a time there were two men who lived on opposite sides of a fence. One was called Mr Tall, and the other was Mr Short. They didn’t particularly like each other, but never actually said so, but one day when they were both out in the garden, the wind picked up and blew a piece of litter from Mr Short’s garden right onto Mr Tall ‘s beautiful lawn.*


 Mr Short did not realise what had happened, what he DID see though, was Mr Tall pick up the litter and throw it into his own garden.*


Mr Short asked him what he was playing at, and might I add that it’s a good job this is a mime this morning, so that you can’t hear what he said to Mr Tall.*


Mr Tall was so shocked at what he heard, he replied in the same manner*


Mr Short was so angry with what Mr Tall said, that he kicked the fence that lay between them.*


So Mr Tall kicked it back.*


Mr Short picked up some soil and threw it at Mr Tall’s legs.*


Mr Tall wasn’t going to have that, so he got out his garden shears and cut away Mr Short’s prize sunflower which grew beside his side of the fence.*


Mr Short fetched his new hedge cutter, and attacked Mr Tall’s  rose bush! *


So Mr Tall  took his sledgehammer, from his workshop and        smashed it into the fence, which of course they both shared.*


Mr Short was furious and ran over to his motorised lawn mower, jumped in and drove it into Mr Talls’ garden, through the hole in the fence, right over Mr Tall’s best vegetables!  Then he deliberately crashed it into his shed.*


Mr Tall  produced an airgun and aimed it at Mr Short’s pigeon loft and shot one of his prize homing pigeons.*


Mr Short, in his fury, got out  his father’s old war rifle and took careful aim at Mr Tall’s head, and gave him a parting through his hair, which he definitely didn’t have before.*


Mr Tall picked up a bazooka , and aimed it at Mr Short’s house  and demolished it with one shot.*


Mr Short tossed a hand grenade over, which took out Mr Tall’s brand new Ford Mondeo.*


Mr Tall fired a cruise missile from his launch pad, but unfortunately it missed Mr Short, and it landed somewhere in the Far East.


Mr Short flicked the lid off his Nuclear Bomb emergency button, and pressed down with all his might.


And unfortunately this is where the story must end.


All because of a little piece of litter…something quite trivial and insignificant really.



Many faiths give us this one simple golden rule:-

Whatever you would hate done to you, don’t do to anyone else! Love your neighbour as yourself!