Palm Sunday Ribbons

Palm Sunday:


After gospel

DRAMA: Radio Jerusalem, see website: (drama link)


Children in for ribbon sermon:


Go through Holy Week with ribbons again, …for the words to go with the actions please contact ( then begin again, with the same actions applying it to our lives…


My sermon: Palm Sunday is the 'gateway' to the story of Holy Week.

The beginning of a new journey into tomorrow. Will you stand firm with Jesus and share in the pain and the glory that is to come?

Will you stand just as firm when the crowds no longer cry 'Hosanna' but 'Crucify?'


Wave ribbon:  It's not all joy and celebration is it, when we're Christians? In fact It's not an easy thing at all, it'd far easier just to be an average ordinary person who never goes to church, enjoys life and never take takes risks. On Palm Sunday it was indeed a day of great celebration, but Jesus had his eyes fixed on what he was called to do.


Straight:    He walked the hard road with him and we are called to walk it with him, we too have our eyes on Jerusalem, the holy Jerusalem, but we too must take up our cross and follow him into uncertainty.


Whip with cords:  There'll be times that we have to stand for what is right and make ourselves very unpopular


Tie wrists:  There'll be times when we become bound, weighted down by the opposition, satan himself;  finding ourselves in situations we just can't believe we're got ourselves into.


Lashed 39 times: There'll be incredibly painful times, when we're cut to the heart and the only way out is to take the road of love to the place of the cross


Judge:  We may find ourselves condemned by others


Nails: Will you allow yourself to become completely vulnerable, and take all that comes against you with courage?


High tree: Will you come to the cross with all your troubles and leave them there?


Ribbon dies: Will you die to self? Will you die to sin?


Throw ribbon up in the air joyfully: and be raised to new heights as you learn and grow?