Isaiah 53:  Isaiah 53   (spoken to the tune ‘Cry baby bunting’)

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Lyrics and Chords:     (no guitar, only backing track)


He grew up like a tender shoot,

a root out of dry ground.

He had no outward beauty,

nothing to keep us bound.

He was despised, rejected,

and hated such a lot,

and no-one had respect for him,

and we . . .  esteemed him not.


But he carried all our sorrows,

our fears, our doubts, our pain.

And then we just  ignored him,

and left him in the rain.

Pierced through for all our wickedness,

crushed down with all our sin.

The punishment that brought us peace,

was won because of him.


And we like sheep have gone astray,

we’ve each gone our own way.

Our every sin was laid on him

for someone had to pay.

He was led away to slaughter,

meek and humble like a lamb;

and he never said a single word,

so innocent . . .  yet damned.


And though he’d done no violence,

no deceit was on his breath.

He died beside the wicked,

and with the rich in death.

He was numbered with the sinners,

for he bore the sins of men,

and he prayed for his abusers,

“Forgive them Lord  . . . Amen”



© words Sheila Hamil 2012