Keeping Promises


(21)                                                                                              KEY STAGE 1 &2


VISUAL AID: A puppet  

Lally does not talk, but can nod and shake her head vigorously.  The story of Jonah can be told by using cardboard cut-out shapes, behind a screen, lit up by an OHP.


Lally did you tidy your room as I asked you to?

L:No! No!

L: No?

But you promised me that you would. Did you forget?

L: No!

Was it too messy and you needed help?


Did you just decide that even though you had promised, you just didn’t want to do it?


But Lally a promise is a promise. And when you made me a promise I expected you to keep it.

L: (fingers in mouth)

Does this mean you are never going to do what I ask you to do?

L: No

Does this mean when you promise to do something, you don’t mean it?

L: No

You see Lally, I thought that when you promised to tidy your room, I wouldn’t have to check up on you, because a promise is a promise, and I trusted you to keep it. If I promise to take you to McDonald’s and then I don’t, do you think that’s right?

L: No

I can keep telling you off, but that’s not right either. How can I trust you again? L: (fingers in mouth)

Do you want me to trust you?

L: Yes

So what can you do about it?

L: (whispers)

You could do what you said you would

L: Yes

But can I trust you this time?



L: Yes

Alright, you can have another try.

L: (whispers)

Yes, if you do what I asked, I promise we can go to Mc Donald’s Yes, but Lally

L: Yes

I’m very sad we had to talk about this in front of all these children. They know you don’t always keep your promises now

L: (fingers in the mouth)

Do you think these children make promises and don’t keep them?

L: No

So we put this behind us, and start again, do we?

L: Yes

That’s good, it’s not very nice when you can’t be trusted, is it?


So you just wait for me whilst I tell the boys and girls a story from the bible about a man called Jonah.

L: (Nods enthusiastically)  

 (script by Deacon Denise Creed)  Now tell the story of Jonah. (See script in Ready, Steady Act Now)