Easter Light and Sound

A couple of weeks ago I visited the new Arena complex in Newcastle  in order to be present at a Classical Spectacular concert. It was my first visit to the Arena, and my first visit to hear the Royal Philharmonic orchestra, and I didn’t quite know what to expect.

I had heard that laser lighting was going to be used for effect, that cannon and musket fire, and actors would be dressed in period costume would re-enact a battle scene,and a full choir, but I can honestly say that I was not prepared for what effect it would all have upon me.

It was a really powerful and mindblowing performance. Light and sound and vision all coming together in harmony to delight every one of the senses.

The most amazing of all the pieces of music, chosen for that evening was played last of all- the 1812 overture.It began softly, with dull white lasers flashing briefly to give the impression of a distant battle on the horizon, and it ended with the full works i.e. cannon, musket, peals of bells, flashes of blinding light, fireworks and the most beautiful music.

I sat spellbound, but I have to admit that I missed some parts of it because I sat with my hands over my eyes  and peeped through gaps in my  fingers so that the light would not blind me too much when they flashed. And I also was sitting with my thumbs not too far from my ears so that I wouldn’t be too deafened by the cannon when it exploded.

It was with my finger slits over my eyes and my thumbs in my ears that I noticed  a little figure below us on the Arena floor.It was a young lad, about eight years old  and he was dancing in the aisle. Everyone else in the stadium  was sitting sedately, appreciating the music and the sound,(perhaps some of them too were covering eyes and ears like me,  

but he was dancing.

And he kept on dancing through the encores and he clapped when the fireworks leaped high into the air to finish the performance.

Some might say what a little show off, but I think a little child could not conceal his true excitement and reacted spontaneously. He made my night , and the thought crossed my mind ........ “And a little child shall lead them......”


Invitation to children to sit near the front.


This is the day. Resurrection day , the day when Jesus came back to life from the dead!


Think back to the last time you were really excited about something!


Gospel this morning -worry turns to excitement.

Mary, then Peter and John, realise that the body of Jesus is missing. If we were to read on  we find that Mary actually meets with Jesus in the garden, after the disciples have returned home.

Imagine her excitement!

Mary- How right that she should be the one to see Jesus first.

Can you imagine how excited she must have been!

Once herself despised and rejected..............

She knew who it was the minute he spoke her name:    “Mary!”


I’m excited today , and so is everyone in this church, and thousands of other churches...............

For we worship not a dead hero but a living Lord!

Resurrection day is the heart of the Christian faith - yet many over the years have tried to  say it did not happen!


Display cards 

                              (These cards show arguments which refute claims that Jesus was not raised from the dead. There is a picture on each)


Think of what this means for us today.

1) Jesus really was the Son of God......( He predicted his own death and resurrection -and it happened as He said it would, so we can trust in all His other promises that He made to us!

2) It means that  death is not the end....(He who believes in me, shall never die but have everlasting life.

3) It means that He really has the power to forgive us our sins .His cry on the cross  “It is finished/accomplished” was a cry of victory , not a cry of despair. He paid the full price for us, so that we could be free.

4)It really means Jesus is with us right now- “ And Lo I am with you always, to the ends of the earth”

5)It  means that His power is here today for us to use, even in our weakest moments. St Paul discovered this when he said “ I can do anything through Him who gives me strength”

6) Joy was His parting gift to us, as the disciples were given it , so too can

we- “ I have come that they might have life, and have it abundantly.”

It is ours for the asking.


“Then why “ you may ask, “do we sometimes see little evidence of it?”


A)   Man with disease which paralysed his face.


What paralyses us.........fear of what others will say...... our sin which we cannot give up?............a recent bereavement? ......worry?........fear that we will be rejected? 

But Jesus said,

“He who comes to me I will in no way cast out!”


B) Some people speak of a deep inner joy, which does not always express itself on the outside,

But St Paul tells us that the joy we feel should be evident to others, it also builds up a community!


C) Newcastle arena.........

Some don’t want to hear.

Some don’t want to see.


And a little child shall lead them........


At the beginning I invited the children to come and sit on the carpet , and they came . So it is with us . Jesus calls each one of us by name -

just as He called Mary in the garden.

Then with great joy in our hearts at His appearing we too , like Mary, can cry out,

               Christ is risen!

                He is risen indeed Hallelujah!