The Transfiguration ~Music and Movement

The Transfiguration (Music and Movement for 7 or more characters)


A dramatic look at the Transfiguration using :-the Corrs: Forgiven Not Forgotten. Track 15 Erin Shore: (instrumental)

Very effective with parents and children taking part !

Part One Journey to the mountain. (One by one the disciples follow Jesus, up and along each aisle, with slow dragging footsteps also with turns and circles looking around as they go…They come to a halt and Jesus continues to the altar and turns to face them. They kneel.

There is a definite rise and lift at the moment in the music just before the dramatic drumbeat; here the prophets Moses and Elijah walk forward to stand at either side of Jesus.

Part Two Drumbeat: Jesus is transfigured when the drum sounds. At the same time, Moses and Elijah, using single hand/body or dance actions, mime the following over the whole drumbeat, which  lasts for just a short time, so each movement must be dramatic and must move with force.

Seven quick moves in all as below.


The burning bush~/ God speaks /Go set my people free!/

/So he returned to Egypt /…and brought God’s people out/ He parted the mighty waters / And they crossed over to dry land Moses gives God’s law to the people/

ELIJAH; Proclaims judgement upon the land /Drought /Elijah hides in fear, but is fed by ravens /Bread and oil in plenty and the widow’s son is raised from the dead /He challenges the prophets of Baal: /Fire falls /Elijah raises his arm...How long will you waver?/

JESUS: Jesus transfigured, raises his hands to heaven and gazes upwards. Stands transfixed He VERY slowly lowers his arms…. ……to the cruciform shape

Moses and Elijah turn with outstretched arms to Jesus on final drumbeat and retreat backwards into their former kneeling positions off to the sideas the music continues.

Part Three Departure for the plains as God’s voice booms out:-‘This is my Son, the Beloved: with him I am well pleased ; Listen to him!’(use hidden voice on microphone) Disciples follow Jesus back down the mountain to the plains.

MEDITATION, to be spoken along with music, using a microphone.*Music begins here:-

Verse 1) Imagine that Jesus is walking right here among us, in full view. He is asking us to follow him, to walk in his footsteps. Picture him looking around, searching out those who would be his disciples. Which of us will go with him to the high place? …the holy place? Who will ascend the mountain of the Lord?

Scripture would say, ‘He that hath clean hands and a pure heart…who has not lifted up his soul to an idol, or sworn by what is false’ Ps 24.3-4

How clean are our hearts? How true? How mentally prepared are we for such a journey?

V2)And so we join him, and we begin the journey together…cautiously ~ falteringly ~wondering where will Jesus will take us?

Stumbling and falling we climb on; higher and higher, into the cool mountain air; we turn and gaze at the view behind us, lying so far in the distance. We drink in the beauty all around us.

We journey on trusting in Jesus every step of the way. We wonder what’s in store ? What does he want to show us, what will he tell us? What lies in wait for us up here in this lonely place? Whatever it is, Jesus is very near, and so we stay close to him….

V 3)

Are any of us feeling afraid or confused? No, we strengthen one another…Are we feeling worn out and exhausted by the climb? Instead we encourage one another. The air become thinner, our breathing more laboured…

Do we feel like giving up or at least sitting down and resting?

No we spur each other on, and we don’t stop to grumble or moan. Quite simply we decide to follow Jesus every step of the way, and he leads us on to the summit…

V 4) Quite soon we come to a place of sudden stillness,

And we are told to wait and go no further, so we watch JESUS closely to see what will happen next.

He goes some distance from us and slowly turns to face us.

Just then the sun emerges through the mist, and the face of Jesus suddenly begins to glow and shine like the sunrays, his eyes become a glowing fire, his hair becomes as white as the snow; his robes become brighter and brighter, until our eyes are almost blinded!.

Two figures approach him, and begin to talk with him. They resemble holy men of old. One has a scroll in his hand, the other points a finger of judgement. They resemble the old prophet Elijah, and the Giver of the Law, Moses.

Is this who they are?

(Build up to drumbeat:)

Who knows what they say, we strain to hear but we cannot make out every word…?

Are they words of pain or joy?

Of suffering or rejoicing?

Of strange forebodings or a future glory?

Of freedom and proclamation?

Are they words of preparation and prophecy only for the ears of our Lord?

Whatever they are saying, this is indeed for us, a very special moment!


Music continues.....

Verse 5) Our hearts are racing, beating so fast. We knew we had come to a higher plane, a higher level, and we are lost in worship and praise.

And we all resolve to build a permanent memorial, one that will be built to last, here on the holy mountain we will mark the very spot of this transfiguration, and hold it in our minds forever. We will stay here!

Just then a cloud overshadows us, and all grows dark, as we hear a voice from heaven boom out,

‘This is my Son, the Beloved, in whom I am well pleased. Listen to him.’(Music finishes here)




Our journey in faith can be compared with climbing a mountain.

It’s not always easy, for many it is a struggle, like faith, two steps forward, one step back…

We also stumble and sometimes fall, but as long as we keep close to Jesus, we need not be afraid.

I once climbed a mountain in Ireland, called Croagh Patrick. People had to walk on small boulders, which were packed together every step of the way, and I wondered how we would get down again, because it was so steep. It was a journey that was difficult and challenging. Many began, and couldn’t finish, yet I saw some who were quite elderly and frail, who just took their time and kept On going. They did make it to the top, we saw them there eventually.

Climbing mountains and reaching the summit, is something perhaps many of us do rarely, perhaps when we find a spare moment, or feel energetic. We do it by choice. Many would opt for easier routes or to stay at home, where it’s not such a challenge.

True worship is also a challenge; to actually reach the high and holy place where we experience God is what we should aim for, pray for, what we should eagerly desire.

This too we must do by choice, and learn to shrug off that which distracts and learn to focus.

Also by choice we choose to ask God’s help in getting there, or by being in true harmony with one another and working together, even when we are irritated or feeling disgruntled.

Only from the highest point will we see the clearest view.

It’s worth the effort because it’s only in the sacred space, that we will hear the voice of the one who calls us, and we will be lead on to where we’re meant to be.

So rather than rushing STRAIGHT AWAY to do our own thing, and rather than remaining forever in that sacred place to guard it, and make it permanent, we must simply listen…and obey

What is it that God has to say to each one of us today, as we come slowly back down the mountain?

Will we dare venture from well trodden paths to walk the way of Jesus, and find new paths of inspiration and togetherness as one?

Are we willing to take our message to the plains below, and reveal God’s word in his good time rather than ours?

Will we share in a common purpose, will we be of one mind?

Will we journey together to share our good news with the world?

For surely Christ will meet us even there and go before us.