Esau and Jacob

Artwork: Battlehill Primary School Pupils


Rebekah was the fortunate woman chosen to become Isaac’s wife, and in time they had twin boys, Esau and Jacob. 

 God had told Rebekah before they were born that there were two nations in her womb; and that the older (Esau) would serve the younger, (Jacob).

This came true in time, when Jacob tricked his brother first into giving up his rights of being the firstborn child. Then, with his mother’s help, he robbed Esau of his Father’s blessing!

Later, Jacob ran away, afraid that Esau might take his life.




DISCUSS: Is it ever right to lie? Explain your answers.

 (Protecting someone by taking the blame? or hurting someone’s feelings by being truthful? Act these out, and see if there is a better and kinder way to still tell he truth?)


Make peg dolls of Esau, Jacob Abraham and Rebekah and act out their story. 

Write your own script from the story, which can be found in Genesis 25. 21-34 & chapter 27

8 Esau and Jacob  :  Genesis 25. 21-34 & Chapter 27

 (to the tune ‘Baa Baa Black Sheep’)


Esau was a hairy man

Jacob he was smooth.

Smooth in action, smooth in speech,

and oh so sly, (oh so sly x 3)

from babyhood.



Esau was a hunting man,

Jacob chopped up wood.

Built a fire and made some stew,

and Esau saw, (Esau saw x 3)

that it was good!



Esau was a hungry man,

so from where he stood;

he gave up his birthright.

Gave it up (gave it up x 3)

For Jacob’s food.


Esau he was gullible,

Jacob he was cool;

stole his brother’s blessing.

Go read it in (read it in x 3)

God’s holy book.


Esau was an angry man,

that’s when Jacob flew.

Ran away from Esau’s wrath,

What else was there (else was there x 3)

For him to do?


© words Sheila Hamil 2011