Parable of the Tree and its Fruit


 Parable of the Tree and its Fruit  (Matthew 7. 16-20)


Beware of false prophets

Like sheep they’re disguised.

Beneath they are wolves,

So open your eyes!


By their fruits shall ye know them,

As each new day dawns.

Figs don’t grow on thistles,

Nor grapes on the thorns


A sound tree gives good fruit.

A poor one, what’s bad.

Bad trees can’t bear good fruit,

Now isn’t that sad!


By their fruits shall ye know them,

As each new day dawns.

Figs don’t grow on thistles,

Nor grapes on the thorns


Each tree that does not bear

good fruit is cut down,

and destined for fire

Right there on the ground.


So come heed this warning

in case you are inspired,

to do what is evil

and wrong in God’s eyes 

© Sheila Hamil April  2014