The Rich Fool ~ Harry Enfield

Part One~ Luke 12:16-21

(.in the style of Harry Enfield’s ‘I don’t believe it character…The fool mimes wherever possible)


Narrator:            Two men were once arguing about money and possessions so……..

                        Jesus told them a parable:-

                        There once was a rich fool….


Fool:                 Only me!


Narrator:            whose land produced an excellent crop.  So he thought to himself:-


Fool:                 What did it go and do that for?  I don’t believe it.  I got loads of



Narrator:            Then he said:-


Fool:                 What am I going to do with all this ‘ere grain?  I know!  I’ll tear down                                     my barns and build bigger ones!


Narrator:            You don’t wanna do that!  What’s ‘e wanna go and do that for?


Fool:                 To put all my grain in!  Extensions….a second mortgage…buy myself

                        a car or two!  All this for me?  I don’t believe it!


Narrator:            ‘e don’t believe it!


Fool:                 What did ‘e go and say that for?  What did ‘e want to go and say that



Narrator:            Oh get on with it!


Fool:                 I’ll eat drink and be merry for the rest of me’ life!  I don’t believe it!


Narrator:            But God said to him:-



                        DEMANDED  OF YOU, THEN WHO WILL GET WHAT YOU

                        HAVE PREPARED FOR YOURSELF?


Fool:                 What did you wanna go and say that for? 

                          What did you wanna go and say that for? 

                          I don’t believe it! (and dies on the spot)


Narrator:            This is how it will be with anyone who stores up good things for himself,

                          but is not rich towards God!


Luke 12:16-21:  “Take care be on your guard against all kinds of greed; for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of possessions.”