Round the Back

This drama is adapted from a famous children's story entitled ..Jesus Christmas Party by  Nicholas Allen.


NARR:-Not everyone enjoys Christmas!

For some …to lie in bed and pull the covers over their heads is the more ideal way to spend Christmas Day. And if they should hear a knock at their door, they would rather pretend to be asleep, in the hope that their visitors would just go away. For them the ideal Christmas means no noise, no fuss, no anything just peace, and shutting out the world completely.

Such a person was the innkeeper!

There was nothing he liked better than a good night's sleep.


INNK: Ad Lib (puts on nightdress, night cap; picks up silly hot water bottle and  glass for teeth, proceeds to pulpit.


Narr:-But on this particular night, there was a knock at the door ( Mary and Joseph)


INNK: Yes what do you both want eh?…….. Can't you read N.O. V.A.C.A.N.C.I.E.S. No Vacancies!……She's poorly eh? ….All right go 'ROUND THE BACK' there's a stable there, you can rest in there.. here's two blankets…. Er just a minute sign the register. ….(reads out slowly)..Mary.. and …Joseph. Never mind thank you, just leave me in peace. ( goes back to bed grumbling, hot water bottle , teeth into glass etc.,)


NARR:- Later there was another knock at the door. (Joseph)


INNK:- Yes….. certainly, that's just what I WANT to start looking for at this time of night….. (rummages around) here you are. One small blanket, one kettle, you'll find a socket next to the manger……. (shouts) YES YOU CAN USE THE MANGER IF YOU WANT)

(grumbles all the way upstairs)


NARR:-  So he shut the door, climbed the stairs, got into bed, but his head  had hardly touched the pillow, when lots of  bright lights woke him up. It was a heavenly host praising God. Would you all join with the angels and sing their song with them?

(Angels enter and sing ;

                                        DING DONG MERRILY ON HIGH

                                        IN HEAVEN THE BELLS ARE RINGING,

                                        DING DONG VERILY THE SKY,

                                        IS RIV'N WITH ANGELS SINGING

                         GLOR-------------------------IA HOSANNA IN THE HIGHEST(repeat)


INNK:-KEEP THE NOISE DOWN, FOR GOODNESS SAKE. What on earth is going on? That's all I need


NARR:- a few minutes later there was another knock at the door.


INNK:- I DO NOT BELIEVE THIS!  What's the matter have you lost your sheep? …. ROUND THE BACK!


NARR:-Then he closed the door, climbed the stairs and went back to sleep, but I'm afraid there was another knock at his door!


INNK:- (weeps) GO AWAY! ( gets up grumbling, sees three kings) …. Pleased to meet your majesties, (sarcastically)



NARR:- This time he slammed the door, climbed the stairs, got into bed, and went to sleep.

But then a chorus of singing woke him up again. Won't you please join in again with their celebrations as loudly as you can. 

                                 CHRIST BY HIGHEST HEAVEN ADORED

                                 CHRIST THE EVERLASTING LORD

                                 LATE IN TIME, BEHOLD HIM COME,

                                 OFFSPRING OF A VIRGIN'S WOMB,

                                 VEILED IN FLESH THE GOFHEAD SEE

                                 HAIL THE INCARNATE DEITY

                                 PLEASED AS MAN WITH US TO DWELL

                                 JESUS OUR EMMANUEL

                                 HARK THE HERALD ANGELS SING

                                 GLORY TO THE NEW BORN KING




NARR:- So he got out of bed, stomped down the stairs, threw open the door, went round the back, stormed into the stable, and was just about to speak, when everyone whispered,




INNK:- What baby?


NARR:- …said the innkeeper. "A baby has been born this night! " said the angels.


INNK:- Oh indeed?(angrily)


NARR:- Just at that moment, suddenly, amazingly, his anger seemed to fly away.


INNK:- oh………. Isn't he lovely?


NARR:- In fact he thought the baby was so special, he woke up all the guests at the inn, so that they could come and have a look at the baby too.

 So no-one got much sleep that night.


INNK goes into the congregation and invites some people to come to see the baby, while everyone sings hymn :   


Everyone sings SILENT NIGHT