Mother, Mother I Feel Quite Ill


Quick Fun Sketch:I remember taking part in a sketch like this at Bellingham International Camp. It brought the house down.It could be used with the theme :-A different ways of looking at things…or it's good to laugh together…


Director is on a film set, trying to produce a meaningful play…


Boy:                 Mother, mother I feel quite ill !


Mam:                Oh no!  (Boy falls down dead; she screams)


Dad:                 Quickly, phone for the doctor.


Mam:                Doctor! Doctor! Come quickly.  (Mam and dad worry)


Doctor:  (Feels pulse).  I’ve got bad news for you, he’s dead.  You’d better send for the vicar.


            (Dad runs for the vicar)


Vicar:    (Comes in, makes the sign of the cross).  A-men.  (Prays).  You’d better send for the undertaker


            (Dad runs for the undertaker).


Undertaker:       Good evening.  (Measures up).


Director: No let's do it again, it was far too fast. Take 2


Play is repeated in slow motion.


Director at the end complains:-


Take  3:  Director:  No, no, no that was far too slow, we need to speed it up a little!

Play is repeated again, this time really quickly! Director complains:-


Take 4: Director: There's absolutely no feeling here whatsoever, it need to be far more dramatic!

Play is repeated again, this time with great over-acting. Director at the end complains:-


Take 5: Director: Far too heavy, lighten up! Lighten up a little!


Play is acted out one last time. This time hilariously…even the audience should by now find this hilarious too!


Reading: Jesus said “I have come that you might have life and live it to the full”