Film, Faith, and Teaching Ideas

(Resource Pack  51 )                                                                                                                                                     KEY  STAGE 2


Author: Karenza Passmore from the North East Religious Resource Centre, who explores Creation and the nature of God using the movie: The Snowman


What does it mean to create something? Show the film from the moment when the boy wakes up to find it has been snowing~ until the point where the snowman is complete and he goes to bed…


Will they spot?




What is God like and what do we expect from a relationship with Him?

Show the rest of the film (or selected highlights, concentrating on the journey to the Northern lights, the fun they have together, and the death of the snowman.)


What relationship does the boy have with his creation- is he absent/dominant or something completely different? How would you describe the snowman’s feelings towards the boy? How do you know?


What are the risks in such a relationship- after all the boy allowed his creation to melt away…was that a good thing to do- or should he have tried to keep the snowman alive, and if so what implications would this have for both of them?


These are just some of the things we explored-I am sure there are a lot more!