NoveMBER 2021

PAC newsletter

Calendar of Events

Message from the pac chair

Hello Everyone!

Like previous years, our parent community came out strong to purchase Spirit Wear. We succeeded in raising over $900 more in revenue than anticipated, so a huge THANK YOU to everyone for your support! We will be sending out details once the orders have been received, and are ready for pick up!

Despite being reduced to only once a month, our Hot Lunch Program is still going strong. At the close of October, we've reached over 40% of our budget for Hot Lunch. Again, a big THANK YOU to all those supporting us by buying hot lunch for the kids, but also volunteering their time delivering it to the students. Please spread the word and encourage everyone to join in!

Next up is the Purdys Fundraiser! You can never have enough chocolate, right? Just a friendly reminder that orders are due by November 26, 2021.

Last but not the least, there will be a Spirit Day on November 10, 2021. Please don’t forget to show your support for our Veterans by dressing in Red & Black.

Lest We Forget

Azam Ismail

The Purdys fundraiser is now open for ordering! Purdys chocolate is made in Vancouver, with sustainable cocoa, and Sunnyside receives 25% back from every sale. Most items arrive gift-wrapped, and ready for Christmas.

All orders are due Friday, November 26. Simply click on this link to Sunnyside's fundraising page to view the online catalogue and order:

Thank you for contributing to Sunnyside's school spirit! We surpassed our fundraising goal! The orders are being prepared by the vendor, and will arrive soon. Due to current BC Public Health protocols, we will not be able to deliver to the classrooms. All orders will be available for pickup from a portable.

Anticipated Pickup date: November 16, 2021

If you have any questions, please contact the PAC at

The students really love it, so don’t miss out! Create a hot lunch account, and place an order online at Munch-a-Lunch. Choose from a variety of food and drinks from popular vendors. This year, we also have gluten wise, dairy wise, and vegan options to accommodate our students' various dietary needs.

We are always looking for volunteers to help out. Please contact Nicole, our Hot Lunch Coordinator for more information.

When purchasing fresh, delicious COBS Bread, mention Sunnyside and we will receive 5% of the sale price. Help us raise funds for some wonderful things for our school. Applicable to 2 nearby South Surrey locations:

With so much construction around the school, please be mindful of pick up & drop off locations. The Kiss and Go, located in the upper parking lot by the front entrance, is an area to safely drop your child off before school. Your child must be able to unbuckle and exit the car independently, from the passenger's side, and head to class. Keep in mind that this is not an area to park and wait.

We live in a busy neighbourhood, but we can make a difference. We are asking for parents to help out from 8:15 to 8:30am. All you need to do is wear a safety vest, and walk on the sidewalks beside the school, as a visual deterrent. We will provide the safety vest. Please contact, to volunteer.

Students are encouraged to deposit their refundable juice and water bottles in the orange bins inside the school.

The PAC has an Express account at the Return-It Depot, whereby all your refundable containers can be returned throughout the year and deposited into the Sunnyside account. Our account/phone # is simply 888-888-8888. All funds will benefit Sunnyside Elementary.

Date: November 18, 2021

Time: 7 PM

Location: via ZOOM - stay tuned for the link

PAC Executives

Committee Members