april 2019 newsletter

Message from the pac chair

Happy Spring!

Now that the sun is shining, FUN FAIR preparations are in full swing! Watch for opportunities to volunteer, making this year's event as successful as the last. All PAC positions are voted on yearly, and there will be several open spots next year, so we encourage anyone interested to reach out to us. Lastly, pizza night at Blaze Pizza was so successful that we are doing it again this month! A night off from cooking and dishes... who doesn't like that?


Tuesday, April 9 is Pizza Day at Blaze! Blaze Pizza will donate 20% of the proceeds from your meal to Sunnyside, if a copy of the notice is presented before paying.

Applies to eat-in or take-out meals between 3 and 7 pm. *Does not include online orders.

Lunch orders for the remainder of the school year can be placed online at Munch a Lunch.

Consider surprising your child with a quick visit during your lunch hour. The younger grades could really use some help with the hot lunch items. Sign up to volunteer here: Friday, April 12, Monday, April 15, Friday, April 26, Monday, May 6

Every year, the SMS holds a pub night in Surrey. This year's event will be held on Saturday, April 13 at Dublin Crossing Irish Pub (18789 Fraser Hwy) at 6 pm. Tickets are $20 in advance ($25 at the door), and include a Belfast Burger (beef, chicken, or veggie), fries, and a beverage.

Join us for a fun evening of dinner, drinks, live music, a silent auction, and more! Order your tickets online at: http://surreybc.montessorinetwork/sms2019

The annual FUN FAIR is Sunnyside's biggest fundraising event of the year and the entire community is invited! The PAC has already placed orders for the rides, games, gaming trucks, food trucks, treats, music, and tables, but we still need your help. This enormous event requires hundreds of volunteers to help it run smoothly. Save the date and wait for opportunities to help out for an hour or two!

Every year in June, we hold an annual general meeting (AGM), where a new PAC is voted in for the following year. To learn more about the roles and responsibilities of members of the PAC executive, contact us at info@sunnysidepac.ca or read all about the roles in our Constitution and Bylaws. This year's AGM will be on Tuesday, June 11 at 6pm, in the school library.

Mention Sunnyside while shopping at Cobs bread, and 5% of the purchase value will be donated to our school. Applicable to 2 South Surrey locations:

Letter from Cobs to Sunnyside Parents and Staff.

The PAC has an Express account at the Return-It Depot. Simply put all your refundable containers in a clear, plastic bag and drop it off at any Express Return-It. Our account/phone # is 888-888-8888. All funds will benefit Sunnyside Elementary.

A big thank you to Woo Korean BBQ in South Surrey for donating all their refundable bottles to Sunnyside, through the Express Return It Depot.

Our goal is to keep our children safe, but we need adult volunteers to keep the program running. Consider giving 20 minutes of your time to help keep traffic flowing smoothly.

Please volunteer for the following events/activities. We kept our time commitments to a minimum, so you are able to choose the time that works for you:

Date: May 7, 2019

Time: 8:45 am - 9:45 am

Location: School Staff Room

Please sign in as a visitor once you enter the school.

A sincere thank you to the following businesses and organizations for supporting this month's events and fundraisers: