June 2020 newsletter

Calendar of Events

Message from the pac president

I hope you are all keeping safe and healthy during this unprecedented time. This is not how I saw my last year at Sunnyside ending. I’m sad to say goodbye this way, but so happy that I was able to be part of such a wonderful team of parents, guardians, teachers and administrative staff. Thank you all! The PAC is an integral part of our school and it’s so important that we fill the vacant roles in September. Our PAC has funded playgrounds, field trips, buses, supplies for our teachers, the gaga ball pit, grade 7 graduation celebrations, Zumba, technology, and much more. Without a PAC our school would miss out on government grants, hot lunch and fundraising opportunities for our students, just to name a few things. Please consider joining the PAC Executive. The school needs your help. If you have any questions or want to know more about the PAC feel free to email us at info@sunnysidepac.ca.

Nicole Spata

Under normal circumstances, we would hold an AGM, with an election, in June, but we have decided to delay the meeting until September. Several of our PAC executives will be leaving Sunnyside at the end of this school year, and their positions need to be filled. Below, we've outlined Sunnyside PAC's goals, as well as the roles of the executives and coordinators. We hope you consider joining the PAC.

Sunnyside PAC's Goal is to promote the education and welfare of our students by

    • strengthening communication between parents and the administration,
    • building our community though school events that promote belonging, and celebration,
    • encouraging parent involvement in the school,
    • enhancing extracurricular opportunities for our students through fundraisers, and
    • providing opportunities for children and families to participate in charitable giving.

PAC Executive officers - Roles and Responsibilities

Parents often want to know exactly what the PAC Executive roles entail. PAC Execs attend 2 meetings a month; one regular PAC meeting, and one meeting with the Execs. Ideally, Execs are present and assist with all fundraisers. Any former PAC Exec will tell you that it's not always easy, but we work as a team, share tasks, and have a lot of fun. In the process, we have developed wonderful friendships, and our children have felt a greater sense of community and belonging.


  • is the official spokesperson for the Sunnyside PAC,
  • prepares and presents an agenda for all meetings,
  • supervises and assists the Execs, and consults with PAC members regularly,
  • ensures that the PAC is represented in school and school district activities, and
  • ensures that PAC activities/fundraisers are aimed at achieving its goals.


  • assists the Chairperson, and assumes their duties if they are absent,
  • accepts extra duties as required,
  • keeps an accurate copy of the Constitution and Bylaws and has copies available for members upon request, and
  • submits an annual report.


  • receives all funds for the Council, and maintains an accurate record of all expenditures,
  • disburses funds as authorized by the executive or members,
  • deposits all funds in an account at a financial institution approved by the PAC,
  • ensures the books are ready for inspection/audit annually,
  • ensures that another signing officer has access to the books in the event of his/her absence,
  • reports monthly on financial transactions, and
  • assists the Executive in preparing an annual budget.


  • ensures that PAC members are notified of meetings,
  • records and posts the minutes of all meetings,
  • issues and receives correspondence on behalf of the PAC,
  • maintains all records and documents of the Sunnyside PAC, except the financial documents,
  • provides the members with a monthly PAC Newsletter,
  • prepares PAC notices and flyers, and
  • maintains the PAC website.

Fundraising Coordinator (works well with 2 members)

  • works with volunteers to plan, promote, and run fundraisers,
  • ensures compliance of the handling and reconciliation of monies received from fundraising activities,
  • produces a Fundraising Report after every event/fundraiser,
  • is responsible to audit the PAC’s financial records to ensure all funds collected are accounted for and recorded, and
  • coordinates with the Treasurer to view the PAC financial statements and confirms that the funds are accurately recorded.

DPAC (District Parent Advisory Council) Representative

  • attends monthly meetings of District #36 Parent Advisory Council,
  • represents, speaks, and votes on behalf of the PAC, and
  • relays info and announcements back to the PAC.
  • For more info, the Surrey DPAC website is a wealth of info.

In addition to the PAC executives, Sunnyside has a team of valuable Coordinators:

Hot Lunch is one of our biggest fundraisers! It's a weekly event that runs from October to June, and it requires dedicated volunteers. Sunnyside is a big school, and we have realized that 2 coordinators is a must. One coordinator chooses vendors, organizes the menus, and uploads the info on Munch-a-lunch. The second coordinator runs the show at school on hot lunch days, picks up goods from suppliers, and packs the class bins, with help from parents.

Every successful event needs help. A volunteer coordinator liaises with the PAC to create an online signup sheet for each event, promotes the need for volunteers on social media, and communicates with volunteers via email.

Milk, Fruit & Veggie Coordinator

Sunnyside receives a free shipment of milk, along with either fruits or vegetables 12 times per year (schedule is set in September). It's part of the BC School Fruit & Vegetable Nutritional Program. The coordinator must be Foodsafe certified, and with the help of students, packs and delivers the milk and produce to each classroom.

We have postponed our next PAC meeting and AGM until September 2020. Thank you for your understanding.

Through the years, local businesses have supported our fundraising efforts, either through fundraisers or hot lunch. We can show our support by making essential purchases at their establishments. The list of this year's sponsors can be found on our Donors and Supporters page.

In addition, the following retailers will donate a percentage of your purchase back to Sunnyside, helping us raise funds for the future.