Emergency prep kits


What it is:

  • It is recommended that we have enough food, water, and supplies to last each child three days in the event of an emergency, such as an earthquake.

  • At Sunnyside Elementary, Student Comfort Kits by F.A.S.T. (First Aid & Survival Technologies Limited), along with class lists and emergency numbers, are kept in a locked storage container, on the east side of the gravel field.

  • The Sunnyside Elementary PAC (Parent Advisory Council) monitors, maintains, and replenishes the kits on an annual basis.

  • The food and water rations have a five year shelf life, therefore, to keep our supplies current, and to meet the demands of our growing student population, we request $25 payment from each kindergarten student. This is a one-time fee that will cover their 8 years at Sunnyside.

  • Learn more: www.fastlimited.com