October 2020

PAC newsletter

Message from the pac Chairperson

Hello Sunnyside Families!

Firstly, I would like to take a moment to say thank you to Nicole Spata, Melissa Thomas & Caty Stamp, for all their hard work last year. The year ended abruptly, and we didn’t get an opportunity to officially say thank you and good luck in their new schools. We have some big shoes to fill! Of course, we can’t forget to also thank Gina Esposito. We’re so fortunate, Gina has accepted the position of Secretary again this year; I’m not sure what I would do without her!

I am new to the Sunnyside PAC Executive Team, but I have many years experience in our previous schools. I can’t tell you enough how impressed I am with the efforts of the parents at Sunnyside, and the amount you have accomplished. Moving around a lot, and with my youngest in the homestretch of Elementary School, I’ve seen a lot of Parent Councils and this is by far one of the best! I’m so proud to be joining such a wonderful community. My hope is that we can make this year look as normal as possible, while encouraging our kids’ success at school and growth as compassionate little humans.

I look forward to meeting you at our next meeting on October 22nd.

Jennifer Ciere

All parents are invited to attend our PAC meetings. This year, meetings will be held online, through Zoom, which will hopefully allow more parents to attend. To avoid distractions, we ask parents to turn videos and microphones off, so only the speaker is on screen.

Our PAC is still short a Vice-Chairperson, Treasurer, and Co-Fundraiser, and we'd love for you to join our crew. We meet twice a month, once as an executive team, and a second time at a PAC meeting for all parents. If you would like to join us, please contact us at info@sunnysidepac.ca.

Show your school spirit with t-shirts and hoodies featuring the Sunnyside logo! We will be offering a variety of spirit wear tops in different colours, in both youth and adult sizes. Watch for the notice coming home with your children soon!

Montessori students will be moving to Douglas Elementary on November 2! Please sign up on the Douglas School website to receive school newsletters. For more info, follow Douglas on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook at:

Douglas will be forming a new PAC at their first meeting, on November 17. If you are interested in joining the PAC, contact Nikki Scott at ndscott@shaw.ca.

For updates on the progress of construction, please sign up to receive school newsletters or follow Edgewood on Instagram and Twitter at:

Grandview Heights Secondary is set to open its doors, and welcome our graduating students, next September. For updates on the progress of construction, please sign up to receive school newsletters at:

The Kiss and Go, located in the upper parking lot by the front entrance, is an area to safely and quickly drop your child off before school. Your child must be able to unbuckle and exit the car independently, from the passenger's side, and head to class. Keep in mind that this is not an area to park and wait.

Date: Thursday, October 22, 2020

Time: 7 pm

Location: Online, through Zoom.

The PAC has teamed up with the popular Canadian label maker Oliver's Labels. The lost and found bins are always overflowing, and a clear label makes a huge difference. As an added incentive, 20% of your purchase will come back to Sunnyside when you use this link: www.oliverslabels.com/sunnysidepac.

The PAC has an Express account at the Return-It Depot. Simply put all your refundable containers, cans, and bottles in a clear plastic bag, retrieve a sticker label from the self-serve kiosk at the depot, afix it to the bag, and drop it into the bin. No sorting necessary. Our account/phone # is simply 888-888-8888. All funds will benefit Sunnyside Elementary.

This is an engaging and inspiring online improv course for children, co-founded by a Sunnyside parent. In addition to all the benefits your child will experience, Hilarapy Kids Improv will be giving 10% of the proceeds back to Sunnyside to help with our fundraising efforts. For more info, please visit the special Sunnyside link at: Hilarapy Kids.

Mention Sunnyside while shopping at COBS bread, and 5% of the purchase value will be donated to our school. Applicable to 2 South Surrey locations:

To qualify, you must download the JRG App and use it to pay the bill. This tracks the money and raises funds for Sunnyside, while earning points for yourself. 10% of your purchase will be returned to Sunnyside.

  1. Download the Joseph Richard Group (JRG) Rewards App from the Apple Store or Google Play.

  2. Open the app and Create an Account or Sign In (existing users).

  3. Once signed in, click Settings and select JOIN A GROUP.

  4. Search and join Sunnyside Elementary from the drop down menu.

  5. Dine out and start using the app to earn fundraising dollars for Sunnyside!