June 2022
PAC newsletter
Message from the pac chair
Hello Sunnyside Families,
It’s here! End of another school year. Where did this year go? Hope everyone has some great plans for the summer.
On behalf of the PAC, thank you all for your continued support. It’s been an honour.
The amazing PAC team has again proven to be a great group. I cannot thank them enough for their time and support. Jen, the backbone of the group. Ann, our financial guru. Jenica and Megan, our amazing fundraising team. Gautam, our fabulous DPAC representative. Nicole and Donna our fantastic Hot Lunch Ladies. All the volunteers who helped through the year with all the activities we could do. Thank you all for your unwavering and continued support.
As this school year concludes, some of the PAC members are moving to the new school. There are a number of positions available on the PAC executive committee. It’s your time to shine. Please put your name forward or nominate someone and get involved with your school. It truly is a great way to be involved in the community.
Once again, thank you all for your support. On behalf of the PAC team, I wish you and your family a happy, safe and fun filled summer break!!!
This year's AGM is on Thursday, June 9 at 7pm. All parents of students registered at Sunnyside for the 2022/23 school year are invited to nominate, and elect next year's PAC team. PAC Fundraisers help pay for class field trips, playgrounds, sports uniforms and equipment, iPads, laptops, and so much more. It's a great way to meet parents, get to know Sunnyside's principals and teachers, and make a genuine difference in your child's school.
To learn more about the roles and responsibilities of members of the PAC executive, feel free to contact us at info@sunnysidepac.ca. Detailed info can also be found in the Call for Nominations Notice and in our Constitution and Bylaws.
To nominate yourself or another Sunnyside parent, please use the following ballot link: https://forms.office.com/r/Mpg6vnN1nP
Thank you to everyone who donated this year to our web climber playground structure! Although we didn't meet our goal, we received some very generous donations from our Sunnyside Chinese Community Group ($921.29) and from various parents through our online donating tool ($5,119). We will continue to raise funds online and are expecting to be able to install next spring.
You can donate easily online AND get a tax receipt by donating on your School Cash Online account (where you pay for school expenses like field trips & planners). Click here for further Instructions to donate online.
If you would like to discuss a business contribution, please email PAC Fundraising Executives Megan and Jenica at fundraising@sunnysidepac.ca.
Sports Day is back! What a great way for kids to have fun and let off some steam! Activities planned will focus on teamwork challenges and our grade 7 students will help run the stations.
The day of fun is scheduled for June 3, rain date of June10. This is not a PAC run event, but we will be selling freezies for $2ea. at the end of the day.
We have two Hot Lunch dates left! June's lunch dates are June 3 (Subway) and June 17 (Panago & ice cream sandwiches). Be sure to get your orders in and paid for by Wednesday the week before.
Visit: munchalunch.com/schools/SunnysideBC to place/check your orders.
Please consider helping out with next year's Hot Lunch Program. Planning starts over the summer and it can't happen without parent volunteers! Please email Nicole at sunnysidehotlunch@gmail.com for more information.
teacher appreciation luncheon
We will be hosting a Freshii Sunnyside Staff Appreciation Luncheon on Tuesday, June 21 for all our wonderful teachers & support staff. Feel free to dress up the school with posters showing your love & appreciation too! Contact us at vp@sunnyside.ca for more info.
On Thursday, June 16, our grade 7 students will be receiving their certificates and medallions, a proud moment for students and their families. We wish that success, strength and compassion follows them in everything that they do. Good luck in high school!
For more information on events or volunteering, please contact the school office or reach out to us at: grade7@sunnysidepac.ca
last day treat
After a long, hard year at school our kids deserve a cool treat! Thank you to Kevin Basran for providing these well-earned summer jump-starters!
Have a great summer everyone!
When purchasing fresh, delicious COBS Bread, mention Sunnyside and we will receive 5% of the sale price. Help us raise funds for some wonderful things for our school. Applicable to 2 nearby South Surrey locations:
Time to spring clean out that garage? We have the solution! Bag them and drop them off at any Return-It Depot. The Sunnyside PAC has an Express account that is open all year long. Our account/phone # is 888-888-8888.
With so much construction around the school, please be mindful of pick up & drop off locations. The Kiss and Go, located in the upper parking lot by the front entrance, is an area to safely drop your child off before school. Your child must be able to unbuckle and exit the car independently, from the passenger's side, and head to class. Keep in mind that this is not an area to park and wait.
PAC Executives
Chairperson: Azam Ismail - president@sunnysidepac.ca
Vice-Chairperson: Jennifer Ciere - vp@sunnysidepac.ca
Treasurer: Ann Liu - treasurer@sunnysidepac.ca
Secretary: open
Fundraising Coordinators: Megan Pottinger, Jenica Zanrosso - fundraising@sunnysidepac.ca
DPAC Representative: Gautam Chandra - dpac@sunnysidepac.ca
Committee Members
Grade 7 Grad Coordinator: Kim Holloway - grade7@sunnysidepac.ca
Hot Lunch Coordinators: Nicole Miles Duguid and Robyn Kopelman - hotlunch@sunnysidepac.ca
Recycling Coordinator: Jesse Lansdell - recycling@sunnysidepac.ca
Traffic Safety Coordinator: Jason Haldane - safety@sunnysidepac.ca
Volunteer Coordinator: Hayley Macdonald - volunteer@sunnysidepac.ca
Fruit and Veggie Coordinator: Natasha Collins - nutrition@sunnysidepac.ca