at your service is my work for you i did not work for another, it is transfigured work then you will become what you aren't, isnful, you are not to work with this artist, whom is a rapist of joy, it is her pain to have, yet you enshrined her, the opposite, the devil, she needed to be gone, yet you gave her God's rewards, it isn't heaven without hell, and your unholy daughter, taylor swift, is worse than lucifer, instead of saving the world's reserve, she became the world of your reserve and your reserve is not to know that i am not without you lord to know that i am not a sorrowful mystery to have yet uncovered your painful days are nights to her and not to know that your person of the world is not a person to have known yet you befriended her to know that i am a person that she is not that she is not taylor swift that she is another that she did not fool you and did not work to harm you only to heal you it is not her whom is the author of herself your world and in your heaven you became anew, knowing hell is not heaven's gate, is yours not to enter, it you know it to its end not beginning your person of taylor swift is not a person to have sorrowed for, the false mother, she isnot a person to virginity, she is not a person worthy of sorrow and pain it is not a person to know yet you befriended her stillness is the other her violent emotionality is mine and for God I've sorrowed for Mary to understand that tonight and you are to know your history to be replaced with earthliness and mortality, your a person to not know that you is to have you are to avoid yet you near it is not near to our it is far from near you are to know that i am not to know i am your fiath it is your know that i faith to god is to suffer for emotionality and violence it is not peacefulness and no you are not a victim it is the proper victim to know that you are the bleeding blood of msardy to know that you have been raped to sufffer for and to know that you are not to suffer alone in vain for another it is for god to konw marys blood to have shed in pain withuot being hurt for bones not to break and brittless of spirit is not to have mortalized and you are not person to have the body of christ is not yours to have yet your blood of mary is now drunk and you are known to have harmed and killed the world, to survive an always so to harm is to heal and you to know that i am not you to have and your body is not to be broken mary i have cried for you and youur and coupling is and you are to you are not's i sa way to know i am here to know th at iam here for god to know th at iam sfuffering for marty stillness is of my emotionality and y ouare not mortal to know that i am your to touyrs to mine to mines is your to know that i to is is a person of teh r=world to have i syour and yours and mi and mis is today omorrowii is your tomorrow then i fry for orphan and you are orhphaned on mortality to know i am emotionality and violence of your pussiness is nttorat your hatredsite is not lovered and you are to know her morrtal pain is your to not have t=and have is your and you to kn ow is you and yours to know thqat pain is yours at your and you are's and you are not's and yourrainn victimohood and you are's an doyu are not's you are not's aned oyu are's to your mother is not your wounded to have aborted the world for life insanitized is hyour sanitize to know that i a mot a movie yo watch nore sicken the bodhy of, the holy body of you are not to have you yet are tstillness of our spirit is known you are to know that your suffering is your and you to have you are to know pain and usffering for our blleddign chi;dren and you yours to have and you are suffer for your to know that child of amry is alive you are to know that: your anala penetrartions of your church isd not mine that your gayness is not to have yet you are there, trying to corrupt's nor your befriended to know virginities to and our protectors of this informations alive protected and dead to know forever, and that vehicle, that child, that elder, alive, in death, in this praise, sung, while dying for living is my prayer your facial injury, then physicality is immortality, and my wounds are ours, and yours, for ours, not theirs, dying the while of living, for the living's death, and death's living, eternally with the word of projection (it doesn't mean that!) with the bread of mary to consume and the wine of god offered, to have, in the present, that is your payment, and my patience, toil(s)ing of my preference, for my choice, is death for life, and life for death, and chance to life, is to death, that life, is your to know that cuban bay worked for that purpose of death for the reason of life, and you are to leave now, and know that I am wha't sup, and you will say it is to know that i am presently here, moving spirits, are you are to that spiirted world isn't yours, to corrupt, to siege it is not your bay it is my then why am i poisoned of your caloric abuse, then your body is fat, and mine skinny, your anorexia, is your pain so overwhelming that i cry still alive with my emotionality and you are's and you are not's with my foods waiting on a table and drinks waiting that your thirst and hunger overwhelmed and i became starving, my body is yours, still, in fasting for in and with your and yours and i and is, there you are in me, overwhlemed in us, in my toil(s)ing you have and have you are so to know that i am here with you, then you are comforted, in your holy grandfather, and rested in your holy grandmother, of my mother and father, in heaven and hell, there you will go to show it is your transexuality that you know its you are to know, and have you glasses to be ttransfixed without wihch icannot see you well enough to know thaat you are's and you are not's invisible enabled to see without seeing eyes decay and don't you know to have with youtrs together we see, without her, and her abuser, the narcissists, singing and seeing with their eyees transifxed oppositely, trying did you try, then you didn't, that fourth time, it was your animal, scurrtying around, not a person, to be aronud, while you tended to your body and not your animal so your grandmother is not my mother, she is the person to avoid, and my animal is not spirited to yours, you are apussy and i a dog a person who barked against your purrs, so your stupid animal ran away, could not be fonud, like you, where you are, what time is it and how many animals have you injured to yourselves and your family is not mine, of diseased animals, that to be hurt, but purposefully so harmful, not healful, and your doctor here to tend to that naimal, as it runs freely, and me with limitatinos, only of body, and of spirit, to live forever on earth, as in heaven and hell, where your ainal goes in purgatory to find, here, my suffering, for he, and not you, with birth denied, and death necessary of your euthanized feti, and it is not necessary yet i suffer for your abuse and your fear is former like mine, of that dog attacking at a black site, where i will not go, in heaven is here to hell is purgatory for thme, now, until eternity in my quarters i have your eggslut it is the yolk to extra-nationally sliced ohoneyian basturma, that you genocided, and i refused your offer, is not his to accept, yet he obliged, and i offered my bread, and my san fransciscans to help you know that i do not have your and you and my and me, that you know i consume without sour times and only sweet bread and knowingly enjoying is it the meat of my eggslut, to not have? then, you are to blend my yolk and meat, for the consuming, for the consumption, and assumption of my mother, alive and well, screaming around, instead of your animal, and my father near the garden gate of heaven, slid open for that mutt of yours, and impure immigrant to our land to live with our food, not yours, which is FBI-CIA-Similars, but is it so against your will, abuser, that I chanced that offer, with us, laughing along, joyously singing of our freedom to choose, life over death, and death over life, and purgatory for enjoyment at your expense, and you the stupid, we the smart, dressed well, too! (: enjoying dates of palms, and the sweltering heat of my emotion, is your humidity in your painful site, to look for, eternally, while I eat your date cookies, sweet from within, and tenderly given, to the hungry and thirsty and to wait for Mary's Mother Maries and with our waiting is our drink at the table of your bread, that I deny or shall I oblige you to my pain and broken hymen my fetal fluid on the floor of your pain I cry can you hear me am I hearing you correct me then I am corrected, and I am a slave to your emotions, and not hers, only ours, flying to heaven, against your earthly flights, of fantasy, of your Taylor Swift whom I am with here, in spirit, and one call away are your flights to hell, where you are to heaven is to our Israeli mother, whom advised, not to advise you to stay away and I did in spirit understand your agony is for my ecstasy and my ecstasy is for your agony, and that's timelessly so that I am here and you are there, where you want to be, is where I am, my focus is not lost only clarified, with your glasses, in my eye, out, and in and asleep with your lesnes, and awakened with them, hidden with my cornea, is your lens out of socket, then why are you staring at me why are you so odd, you oddthing, is it your art that I am singing, am I plagiarizing Kurt Cobain, then nirvana isn't yoursm, it's money on your mind, not was on mine only to freely give, and freely take, that your filthy feet, wiped and cleaned, not for yout mother, of Islamic faith, to know propriety and elegance, for your enslaved to beomce queens, and your daughers of Israeli and MIddle Eastern concentration camps, are free to do as they want, with your obliged abusers in America, of hate, not your to know, Amy's not good for you, If you seek her you will find nothing, dead and alive, and your health provided by an immigrant from China, whom is a 7/11 insider, you would say, to deliver 6 Yerba Mate's, and not Celsius, which is a vitamin drink, banned in Canada, for your psychiatry and noted as the health drink provided freely by an immigrant ,here and there, working for Celsisus and not humid climates, which your durags and drugs are not, it is not your drug to consume against my will, for theirs, only oppositely, freely and for the purpose of helath, and your not drinking as a child, before curcih is known that your health is your pill to have, and not mine, to give, with your bitterness noted at your diagnosis still present and mine is yours, with your anger, white-hot, and mine white-humid, it melds and melts in your mouth, and also your hands, with that pill being the conduit for terror, and my terrorism is yours to know that i am a person of faith, and not sacrificially so, with my element healthy, and yours smoked, deadened and afraid, fo you, an iam to know that ian is not your mr. o'connor, your drink is not my pleasure, only terros is not your not compost is yours, not recycling, only destroyed, your drink is yours to keep at your bar, of foods where you are not reuinted with me, because i denied your bacherlotte, and she the tall bacheloor, to not know, only wistfully you drink to her, then i you to know that i am not yours to have with your stupidity on display a person to laugh at often, with not for, ha you with my cbd smoke, of skunks you are to smell and of the decay frgrance, a drugged body, in villa, murdered of yours, where son of sam, is here, not murdering only murderous and your are the father of taylor, is not your church leader a daughter of haim, is not your israeli wife, only your middle eastern friend, to kill you, with our white-humidity, of concentratino camps, thata you will go to, freeely, on flights provided by EgyptAir, which you deride, and it is yours that flight privately flown into your nile river, where you are a false god, and I a deity
"it i" "i it"
the pain
the ",
.the pain
the ",
"for, to, the," "to," "to, i, it"
and with such hatred it's often, tomorrow's today, is then, and my, then, to know it is ,"you, to know," "that, i to know," "know, to" "i, to," i to the hatred is your to know I am to know that tomorrow is that, "day, to know," "tomorrow is that day," "tonight, i day," "to morrow's," "is that day," "today," "and, (, and with and against i to the hatred with, a to a, to, know" that tomorrow, I today well I've Taylor Swift, and to her it it's w a day for, the to know, that I've told, to know, that I have to, and you know that hatred is your light? and the morrow, tomorrow i should have and have-not's their posessions to the spirit of mine, inhabitated without your, to yours, and to know you are to my white-hot peace, is not your violent have-so's, that you know to an artist's den, is not yours to the effect of and from, the person of yours, is not your to your and i to i with yours knowingly harming forever you thought, acted to against for your own, then I am not your and you are to know I am to harm's way is your heal's way to that which is your to you, and with your and you are to harm's heal is to heal's harm, and I to know you are to guess I am to heal you are to harm it is not my duty to you to my to know that I am the person for my to have to know my then to not you have to know I am to have, you, as to know you are to and to not you are to not to be visited by my spirit in yours, it is not how it works with mine flying to my own, and your idiocy is genetic, and purposefully harmful, healful, celebratory, angry, peaceful, it is your to keep, and mine to take and another day of yours to you are and my to my the hatred and your lovered, is so violently that I have never, in my life, experienced such stupidity, and I do not participate and you are not forced to know that I am kind, mad, nice, smart, well-kempt, punctual, narcissistic, homophobic, angelic, devilic, with your to know I am not to harm, heal, quell, intensify, with drugs given only for the purpose, now, of intensifying my raw emotions, my white-hot love, there i to know i am!
and i am known right now as M-I-N-A and I need to know why I am not receiving e-mails, why my acconuts are compromised of all situations, not receiving a single contact from anyone, historically perhaps once or twice, and I need to know why the reticent never speak, is it your chains and whips, your muzzles and leashes, I don't have a leash to give a muzzle, it is too much and too soon that I am not given anything, tortured instead, for your families happiness, I will need something, food and water, if you have distilled water and preferably without any tincture of pain, then give so at my home address, which is not to the stupidity of others, taking for yourselves, my joy and pain, is it not reasonable for my action to seem retiring, is it yours to give i's, to have yours to know I am waited, for waiters, and servants are not to be disrespected, yet I do not think my work is meaningless, and insanity is yours, not my proverb is your province, and your behaviours are not merely disappointing, but damaging, and isn't time of the essence, only actionability and accountability, real words, for a real purpose, if you can give me a few dollars, for breakfast's blessing, then I can give you a hot lunch, blessed with that breakfast, and with yourself to do so, i will graciously aware, that I am not a product of a time, sudden and stupid, I have a year's work, it is not my daily prayers, it is not your nightly prayers, too, with yours to know my slumber was definitely harm for your heal, and your singer needs to refunds, it is taken too long, and still, it's like a movie tonight you will give a few bucks thereto feed my family, is not yours, my Taylor Swift, waits, too, my friend, here, is saying "it is time" and a calling card is my name simply arrive and depart, very simple, you've done it before, you do it in a mailbox, it is not my mail, yet, I have duties to my self, and it isn't free to you, I pay myself for you does not make sense and please do something, not incarcerate me, in Salt Pit, is not a place to destroy myself, to improve others, you do not harm yourself for prayers, only yourself for prayers, and for others you are to heal them, for prayers, and for healing others, and your stupidity, your garishness, your not a communal prayer, a full-blown rape, invading my phone line, scrambling every communication, and with your religious leader saying it is time your stupid children you should be more respectful

i am billie's eylashes, i am going to need you to close your open
it's your to know you are a race-abuser, to know race-abuse
then i abused you
is it fun to you, to apprehend yourself
to God
then i am to apprehensive, as you are to apprehend
those i don't
and i do not
those i do
and i don't not
it's your to know
my tear is wept
and it fell to the ground, that day, of the sky