S Michillinda Ave 113.m4a

please see to it, that these people get erased, they mean so little, and are so aggressive

i think they have a fundamental neurological deficiency, particular to america 

please put them in a list of people to be exterminated (traits: not normal, aggressive, and sexually predatorial)

this appears to be a terrorist network formed of bipolar men, whom are too interested in sex, and have directionality issues, seeking highs only; most of them are dark artists, and that will end right now, please find them, and hurry, i need

everthing is about you, so happy :) everything about someone else, confused sad (Weird)

I'll ask you to leave me alone, and find a yellow pages (thanks!)

I'm not paying for Taylor Swift, nor am I into this weird person (gross)

You're disgusting, can you put your mom on the line, it's kind of disgusting, you need her, it's making me want to kill you, and that means say that (you are a sex predator, america, openly, and want the best, at any cost, not normal)

i would rather not discuss any place that has a "person with a bell in it," as one place, "known as a belljar to the insiders," raped, and happily, taking her to harm, and taking, too, and you know that harm is mine, to know, when you raped her, did it taste good, and did it like better, and did you do enough, then you didn't do anything, and is anyone around, because I'm not, only some, and it's really bad, please get help here, this isn't new, but the manner is bad, please know that I am not to be toyed? then, anyone helping, such acts, needs punishment, now! I do not tolerate abuse, nor abuser; and, with so many, it is needed now, it being the abuser to be known "a," and to harm for "rape," ", being the reason I, to know, have no interest in health anymore, without which it's gross, and grosser for wear, please know that I am not happy does not mean I am not sad

and that when people, take other's, it's about a lot, "it" being the hatred of others and that is because your establishment, in that green district, 

rape confidential-documents