terrorismactivityyou have yet and now know this a torture attack, i applaud invaluable good job it is a terror group we caught, great job 

you are now yet only yet only it is your attack and it is your that is a pedophile attack using historical images and torture 

this will go forward with your reward, and your invitation too grand

this is a screen attack (using ocular damage as a means, unprotected before and as that means of torture)

STOP MILITARY AND RAPE MILITARY (privileged military access opposing)

your military has been confiscate do not get into it with me. and yet i have yet praised the collector whom is so nice, yet I had not yet seen, sotheby's or is it christies' i think you know has that collection now preserved, because of me and my hard work, i stopped the worst theft than i can imagine, it took a lot of effort and still strain as that person is yet found a partner of crime is in that community and i know how to find and investigate art theft and current art blaspehmy it is your torture young man you are going to be killed it is not a challenge upon your homeless existence you will be jailed immediately please arrest all google offenders any past employee of that "Samsung" "Square Space" it is peak terrorism, it is a terror investigation into your online activity of  children and you will be caught anywhere it is not a movie, yet you will be hurt, and brutalized your wife raped and child abandoned it involves serial torture and you are not to contact the authority of this matter it is a terror event with child warriors, employed from your country, given prvileged access to race rapes torture

that art theft that I stopped is entirely scary. involved four elemented it is your torture realized, you will abandon all fashion, stores have been closed that is sprout action, it is danger award it is not allowed and full torture 

with that theft safe, becuase of mina samir sargious, i saved the most important documents in history, articles of clothing, that mean the world to me, from a traitor, and trickster, taylor swift and her friends, whom tried usurping the kingdom against its will using that album as a means of escape (little to say, you will be removed from every kingdom of ours in any person and budding child)

it is now noted as an extreme terror event, you will now erase your history tracks, and relase the funds to the owner of that collection, designated mina samir sargious. you are a violent terrorist group, that collection had its roots in an area office, and elevated itself to a higher category, it took many years to salvage, and moments for you to take, as you and your worked hard on that rape, that was violent and circumstantial, and your violent tone is noted as extreme rape of langauge at war, as usual for americans, unelegant and violent, pointless and not yet, it is that collection that had and it is now, that you have inititaed a war for that recognition, it is not your to look at, i have removed all articles by purchasing them, you can ask the owner that i have that ownership there is no war condition anymore, you have initiated a violent attack against me, for years, yet realized it is owned by mina sargious and you are not me stop

christie, you are not kristi, and that does it

boredom and bedlam, youth activist, child predator, and your attack has child predation quality; definite and immediately noticed, it is a stutter attack using "supper" as a means of torture from a dark site, using that mealtime, that is actually timed masturbation, it is a dangerous place, that gitmo, and get your gitmos away

princess di and your rapist. 

rapist of child and child predator

child predators

child predation

pedophile active

pedophile active

pedophile attack unnecessary, avoided major blow

push push pull push attack fake that is a military strategy of americans, do not counteract it is rape strategy using current rape

attack was go forth hard : that was centered at at a racist

entity and person

rape affect