Hi go I oh you I m owed to you much of my funny nights and fun days, alright is darius!

Death do us part, your murder there, is active I am killed, and you care there, I part my body here living soul-filled I. You there I love you because i can't hate when I don't hard to faden softening, au revoir is yours to be banned from Disney paris is not anger I'm personified! Serial killer group not individual, arrested to tough toxic burnt orange waters, polluted and unstill beaches are for dogs lacking in anxiety and normal courage, then tortured you'll stay cutting and bit to death, mauled by newborn dogs, cleftpalleted clitorally damaged pussies

Stateside murder of civil rights leader extra-nationally alone, your urns from Sam's club not Costco's taste the five dollar chicken last meal, and grab a soda it's bottomless banned from churchills re-fried by Kentucky's wealthy heirs, to you a tire is a palm and a redneck to be hung, for cockfighters in my ring of fire, proven that kfc is not racist, yet it's consumers cannot fly without my money for their caged birds wined to freedom and is known to harm Popeyes to know fried is not finger licking in your artless angry American terrorist whom is fed by my money and workers for our leader not to be hurt only praised!

It is official policy to conduct psychiatric torture, codified, approved by an active governing body and it's helpers, allowing you to martial law and I fucked the system for you to take that pillgiver and make it bitter my revenge and make them show remorsefulness, worse to avenge murder, and create my everlasting life, and for Alana died to resurrect you nazi torturers please ask your slaves permission to don their white coats and kill your gunmen at your door, not theirs, don't sicken Alana's sister to perturb mina's Daniel is not a child molester, whom bred children correctly, showing her patient mother and fortitude of my father, contact who it is not responsible for this Israeli war psychiatric torture program , codified only in - -America, and conquered by our parents, proven at united nations torture office, contact for documentation allowing enslavement of your hostage-takers of Dr kay Jamison and Dr nassir ghaemi, opposing false presentation does not mean that, you may contact us at who, once damaged is damaged

Too late to be banned from flying from a pussy kennel coup

Terrorists aboard flights not garishly mocked it's not what theo can gogh signed my name for, ask Abdul for help, without justice inverted, only corrected by my boyz and girls noflylist families isn't your ability to swim I cannot im enabled across your waters to my freedom at homes not houses for your icy incarcerated families detained in crates that our caged birds flew from

It is over you have buttoned my trousers and ordered sexuality inducted of your vulgar ass children and I will and jack on your pussies and your diagrams of torture identified and with my darkness not here anymore, you are a disease country and I would have you know that you murdered everyone innocent today, and your childrens vaginal illness is not my erection, you are a terrorist nation and subject to torture immediately God forsake you and I have your children in costume ready to get railed on my yachts planks I wish you nothing but torture and your chemist a painful thought process I hope you dial my soon and cleanse me of your sin of your children not to come and not to subject to your vulgarity, proven that you are worse than hitlers, and 911s Hitlers, extermination camp by choice of the kingdom uniteds north koreans