this seems light

it seems buddy-like

it is not,

i was studied extensively, with charts and graphs, predicting when i would get creative , and ruining my creativity, and highs, to make me feel sad, for those moments, to write for other artists, taking my writing, and putting it in the head of another, by the head of the cia, and nsa, and mi6, and mi5, and apa, and fbi, of course, working to harm me directly, with several agents whom worked hard to break my feelings apart, into my head, so i would be quiet, and others' write, my songs, my emotions, using all agency possible, to deny, all abilities, and make me suffer, drugging by force, to make me unhappy, and unhappily drugging another, to do so, making me sad, to describe my moods, to get away with it at the end ofthe day, saying i was crazy, and nothing happened

this is called extreme psychiatric torture, with elements of all forms, invilved, to make me feel physical pain and emotional pain together, so i lose emotional joy, for others' writings

"reading" my head, to "write" artists, work

wtih most major artists, writing through me, including those who have been trafficked to safe sites, so think taylor swift, selena gomez, post malone, even some rappers, exploring not how i think, and feel, but what the words come out, shutting me up, not onlien writing in jounrals, but how i write, and the structure and style, with all apa officials notified, not caring, to hide, and say oh he's okay, now, and to abuse further, only me, i don't have a bad bone, never get angry, but was violently drugged, for most of my adult life

it includes all forms of torture, meaning verbal abuse, tormenting, and mocking, making me feel ugly and sad, i'm not though, i think i'm cool, now (at least someone heard me!)

I wasn't a talkative child, had one or two friends, and loved loved doing things, so it got bad in high school, 13, when they instituted a form of abuse called "parental torture proxy torture" with all elements of torture amplified impossibly, to induce a delerious depression, with extreme states of pain, to enjoy me, and laugh with their friend, in power, to enjoy, why, and how, and for the problem of depression in youths and bipolar disorder in teenagers, using my depression to make themselves successful, while I toiled to work, never missing a day of school (literally!), and staying up into the night, never going out to parties, late in their party dresses,, they're nice, doing mathematics and essays, doing art, and it's not that nice, meaning i was so nice too, never got upset, never startled, never angry, it's upsetting and sad, yet i'm here, i guess

meaning i moved back home after college, not really, it was 10 years, i was there, because grades were so college-y, and i never drank, and the one time i tried to form a friendship, not romanitcally, to see what was up, they got involved immediately, and said ,"mina's weird," as an excuse for harming me academically and spiritually, with a hard program called "aca," for american college associates, meaning psychiatric torture of college students, and making me save lives for them, working to solve the prolbem of depression among college students, while others had fun

this extended into later, with all family members turning against me, and "psychosis induciton," making me think I was working for the president, or a wall street type, never earning a dime, although telling them "it's up there!" all the time, it is-was strenous, and it's hard, really, but i'm glad you got helped

because i never did, i was forced into fake-real treatment, with a doctor of the apa, chosen from a place of torture, namely a university, and counselor there, working to harm me, make me sick, and torture, for the purpose of "areal treatment," eye harm, to cause psychosis induction, and torture of those whom i know are to me, those whom ae kind, and kinder, and making me unkind and unkinder, to torture me,

it's very unfortunate that I'm still forced on this drugs, with elements of theft and torture now more prevalent, for my completed work, to be stolen, and it's okay, just not the kind of torture, empty and scary, and reminder of the time i died, to anther, stealing all hurting, and making me suffer to be creative, studying private videos from my youth and adolesence, and into college, studying and creating, in any means possible, to feel good, yes, but mostly to know how to create and enjoy life, which i didn't, just create, and most preeminent artistiy is not real, only mine, it's really sad, i'm broke as a joke, not homeless, just drugged- as a necessity, deal out