a lot of people don't have your and there's a way out: it isn't mad it's maddening


i am not entirely a bad person. yet i am wondering why la salle high school in pasadena california is very odd. it is up the street on michillinda, for reference. and it will need to know why it's so weird. and i think i pinned it down. it is not only a campus of hate it is a campus of love and i cannot come up with a scarier place right now. it is unique yes but also terribly strange. it evokes images of a predatory campus and has a predatory campus i cannot misunderstand myself in understanding it and it may have an may possibly be a campus that is extremely odd, and my role there is merely an alumnus, and a resident of its area, and a good student, and a goody-too-shoes kind of guy, but with an edge, i think it's more wondering why it's the way it is, and how it's the way it is, and it is startling that my conclusion is that la salle high school, which is a Catholic-affiliated campus is not really all there. it might have some problems structurally but it's not the issue. the problem that is transparent, and obvious is its commitment to service and to be serviced, using interchangeably angry ways to become a campus that i cannot misunderstand more, it is strange and lurid, odd and perplexing, and particularly because it has no foundation structurally incoherent and learnedly messy, it has no property of and no meaning for its way, yet i follow its tracks, and i see a couple weird and aggressive characteristics one it's not normal two it's not sound three it's not meaningful four it's meaningless, and i had better known its that it cannot have a meaning it itself, and is owed to wonder why it's that way. and it is a druggy campus just bereft of that meaning that it is not having, it is weird, yes, obviously, as most religious campuses are, but its missing its foundation and core as i said it seems nebulous in quality it will need you to understand that its you put people there to understand it is not normal yet it is less than and i would understand it to be not normal yet it is strange and extremely odd perhaps too much as i don't think it has your ownership yet it is enslaved it needs a certain perspective maybe go to understand that it has no structure meaning and is not a place to understand that your meaning is missing it has no way out of its own, taken to anger and management of, and when i  say it is scary there, i don't want you to be scared yet it is scary to know that a child is often rejected by a maternal aid and accepted by a paternal sponsor, and this campus is that campus that houses its children of lost mother and new father, you will need to look closely at it, and realize it is a scared campus place only of its campus nature its partner is not merely a partner of itself it is a partner of its own you would understand that as a dual ownership and a dual slavery brought by master to enslave and by slave to master, using extremist ideology and extremists to propagate that ideology, perhaps better understood it is a campus where you will not only misunderstand its meaning, yet its body is only itself, you cannot go to that place without your condemnatory anger and its condemnatory angry partid, i would rather go to understand that it is scary and scared, yet it has a certain quality that is not just owned to itself, but to another, and oppositely it is its own, taken to owner and you had only your undertsanding of it as a place not gone only went to retard and retardation please oh God remember us in our day i had only a night thank you God yet tonight I had only myself top ray thank you it is only i pray i only harm my respect to God and i had only respected God has only respected you to respect another and had i only known i would not know it is only my knowledge that i cannot have and i had not knolwedged myself into your party of terrorism it is only your choice and your obligation that I had only my God to know God to know I ha dmy God to have my God and I would not know my God thank you for God for my God is my God

when you break the law and get lost and no one finds you, you become a person that you're not.

a lot of times it's more important to have a good heart than a lot of money

sometimes when you hit send and you get no reply, it's for the same reason: you can't make someone.