this behavior is insolent, scary, and not me, i don't like you, never did, and found her, for you, not you, and certainly not your friends, this is an ordered release by the united kingdom, again, and you have to, becasue it's not like you to want, to beg, to steal, to borrow, nor ask for anything you have, it's quite likely you are a bush family member, jack david ross, and someone who is responsible for mass casualties, including abuse, and rape, like most others,

i'm going to ask you to stop, using false pretext as a lure, you are not a bush family member, to rape her, i paid for them titties, you are scary, i paid for them moneyed sorts, too, meaning you employ slaves to enjoy, and use sexual slavery as a lure, to omnipotence, this is not yours, 

to find

i stay

i wait

i lie in waiting

it is your waiter, not mine, to stop waiting, and to know you aren't

it is there, not where, you are to belong, it's your to know if it is so hateful and dishonorable then i am too, so, not into your world, it's yours to study, mine, of yours, then i did, to know you


{{chastity, and honesty required for such}}

{{{cleanliness of mind, body and spirit.}}}



{not you, to have}

Jack David Ross is a son of George W. Bush, and a scary guy, who tried to fuck me in to the person of hatred, you saw in him, it's the story, to not read, nor write, of your hatred of mine, and time is short, lettuce ?

all members of any attorney staff in america or abraod will be murdered and raped immediately

these are illegal actions of war

and all members of any staf are liable to get raped

military strikes are to commence soon

with you are not to know how awful a thug and monster you are

you are disgusting and pointless and attacks have commenced with current and rape known to be the provaceuter of war, and all staff and children at universitites and public students are aware they are at risk currently of  military strikes