Kathy Hudson Rapist in Chief for Government

Angela, is not you, Katy Perry, you are not Angela, you need to stay from Christian artists, and I'm tired of nausea because of your influence on music and fashion, it seems you are the worst human alive, working with APA officials, and CIA and FBI affiliates, to make yourself a movie star, and also a Smurf, if you aren't a Smurf then you are a caricaturized face, with very few defining features, and your demeanor obstinate, maddening, self-obsessive, and worst self-righteous, you are the worst humans historically, a murderer of several spiritual artists, namely Taylor Swift and Kanye West, you are a demon not to be listened to, and a warlock not to know nor want to know, it is not your victimhood, Daisy Dove is not yours, she has flown the coup, and landed back to the writer of your songs, me and Angela Hudson, knowingly harming your parents, is not your duty, is your mission, hired many years ago, to portray female and male, entitites, as two, and working with the head of the CIA, in a similar fashion, i found Nardine Saad to be obnoxious nauseating and very infantile, working to prove anal-oral fixation is a traitor of mania, and that oral fixations, in general, are depressions, it is your rape and your rapists, america, and i need you to stay away, and your drugstore is a work of the cia and needs to be stop and your sexual torture

Daisy, Angela is not a helper, she is your mother's sister and Keith and Mary aren't boring, they are soporific (ask her what that means)

Katy Perry is a Christian musician, writing under the pseudonym Angela Hudson, and kidnapped shortly after KP1 sing me that song you sing?