
(up-to-date emergency information of past 20 years of solitude and? not quite. emergency fast? not quite, contact whom? this is not for hostage-takers)

if time goes, then it doesn't and if time does, then it won't. yet i won't know. to know that and is not yet known only to know, because you are whom that is not yet known, that you had not that you will not, and can you not that you, is not only to know you are, and to find that you are angry for that purpose isn't kind enough to enable, though, tortuously kill, then it isn't and i am not yet known, only to know had i known you are harmed yet it is known that you are not a kind person, only malignant, and that disposition and is not purposefully that i had not yet understood it, only to misunderstand is that your and is that, harmed enough to know that you won't become of my anger, only, that had yet known "i had injured you to harm you is not yet injured" then I won't

courier new 18

dear sasha, hi. first of all. i miss and miss that it is yet known, it is yet known it is yet known it is yet known it is yet known it is yet known it is yet known it is yet known it is yet known it is yet known it is yet known it is yet known it is yet known it is yet known that i do not like you anymore!


you hurt sasha. that's a no-no. you hurt me when i have you know that i am not a good person. i get really mad. i break hearts and i can kill you, it's about that. i'm going to kill you. i don't like you.

a couple years back, i got hurt a lot. your stupid people dance online, while i cry at home. i miss you it 's okay, yet your little school shooter country, is not normal; and it's uniquely american, i don't play games, and i will kill you. it's not a joke. it is your problem. you are not part of the world. you are an identity, "german" it is what you are known. and "i told you it's that i hate them, i hate them too yet not enough, it is okay, yet i told you they like rape they are rapists, and don't respect that person is not your it is not yours. you cannot talk to me. i like to rape and torture. it is not yours. you take your bitch and go get fucked. this isn't about you. put your dick up. put your pussy. it is not, you. i don't care."

first, i'm not your girlfriend. it is not how we talk. it isn't a joke. i'm going to kill you. and it is not a joke that your behaviour is increasingly worse, gone unchecked. it is your "german" problem, and i have less '"german"' in me to express, that I don't care. It is not your care. I don't want you around. it is an extingusihed '"german"" and that said I guess

it is about

you are not to contact this authortiy. the phillipines has blocked your governmental addresses, and you will not contact us without dying. it is my order. that you don't talk. yet have been blocked. and you will not understand that anger in me is yet because you are not yet angered enough. it is your anger. yet mine. you will get killed if you think. it is your torture. it is yet it is not yet known that you are the worst torturer, it is your blood, tto not have, you are over, with yours, it not yet known that i have yet became and it is you and i that will i not know and it is yet known you are not to had yet are not known of hades' it is your doing it is your stain on my mind, that i will not let down

recall that all financial charges currently and any criminal of your state, is not that party that will not benefit financially from your torture of me, it will need to say that i need all my funds not towards terrorism, and you acknowledge torture, any hindrance is not globally economic and globalism is not that? it is yet known that you are a terrorist actor, yet financed i am not, financed by your, economic sexual torture and your attack on my parent, financially, and any psychological trauma, you are not me, you are a disturbed family that harms yet not that party that, used my solving of goldie's racism that you at your governemnt to solve your problem, and torture still, no response, you are going to get it, and

i am not financing your torture, it is not your work to take, your animal is now crated, treated, to know that you went, and made him work, for your little cunt, it is a bitch, your a renter and will be taken care of you are now advantaged to me

You will not humiliate a saudi princess anywhere anytime in any way and dont bother that person is not bothered by you, because he is the one whom is not botehred by your socialism; electing against forced housing, hospitalization, drugs, and torture site, and this bold decision enables a lot more. it is your doing   that you did. against us. rape torture abuse not the matter yet it is a bit terorrising and uncomfortable for a saudi prince let alone king wnd your budding children how i prayed for my child still tortured are they, not your by rape any psychological torment or drug or erasure by whose money and it is to kill whom that is not true. this is not allowed to kill the person. it is not a fear  yet terror of a virgin's rape. that i will not get near your dirtied mind and actively tortured you will feel and touch and it is torture my psychistric health paramount and appearance important as well per saudi standard fit for whom is saved not that money worked for this affect is theirs

are you actually thinking of hurting and threatening to further saudi royal family current sexual torture are you crazy?

military is necessary because you have guns and knives and nunchucks and batons and your fist of five fingers, please remember in your wifi flights without the entire cabin the immediacy and urgency of action, as ttyour seated president had been victimized on a secret cia flight and the prospect of travel to such destination for british royalty it is not advisable to travel to banned countries and military force is necessary to do so with air marshall not terrorist and  had vanessa told me less about her i would not care air marshall, i like you, it is not about your hiring process nor where you are not, civilian clothing oh where are you little boy i want to talk are you ok and whom have you no shame and have you shame and i had not told you it is atiti it is atiti he is very kind and it is yet that it is yet to it is is it that you and had you, that your behaviour "hi are you waiting for someone? i had no interest, and i wanted to ask how are you not at your home at this hour it is a bit late and you are not only angey yet timed on the clock it is your dated prune find it in your box of raisin put your morton salt girl umbrellad and please
