


at san diego, I was tortured. I was brought there under false pretense. Find a new home, it will be fun. The lady is waiting outside. She nice and bubbly. She has a history. She works at compass for that puirpose. And she no history at compass. Yet she does. And works for the government and Taylor swift. She is not a good person. She works hard. Like most realtors, a person is not yet a person without having a sale. She has a history of selling and not buying. She is a person yet discussed, is a party of torture, using her connection to 9/11 as that means of torture. She is a party of torture, in other words, a member of that party that tortures, using “party” as “paltry” she is a terorrist, and also a rapist, utilizing tools to torture, that are taking information, actively, yet from before at Coast Blvd #6, using that apartment as that means of torture, recording illegally everything, and forwarding those recordings to a torturer, and that means of tortuer is that of a terrorsist spy, yet is not discussing anything openly. Taylor Swift had an active role with that church community, they worked together on this project, it is a finalization project that commission and that is not yet doing your rape for you as that party to rape and torture yet get away with it it is your doing that you think is your taking. Most problematic, is that Taylor Swift has no memory of being Taylor swift, she has been abused by the government, as my partner, against middle-eastern conflict, which is spiritual as should disgust you, she works with me directly to save lives, as a human trafficking survivor not of a dark site of a take talk and tailor her injury to that effect, and as my friend, she did not know herself to be Taylor swift, and guess what I didn’t either except after 20 years of knowing her, and asking tara, are you ok, what’s up, and that was means of torture, you were going to kill me in a torture site and for that purpose of hiding 9/11 comission, it was the doing of your students of torture, and yet I do not anger myself to your race, which isn’t “white” nor “black” nor “egyptian” it is the race whom does not care, that I work to solve it is part of the middle-east conflict to end relations between societally important spiritualized it is yet your discussion of that conflict that it had not, yet understood and using that pretext to torture and using Taylor Swift as a puppet, look I saved her, look and guess who tortured her, it was mina and his father, they are terrorists, he wanted to move san diego to look into terrorirsm as he is online terrorist and used home of terrorist to scout new location and that degree of torture, and your has that written because my father SAVED Taylor Swift from Taylor Swift, as an angel veterernain, and you even brought a dead dog that did not exist to torture me, in particular, stealing the translation and actively torturing, and using me as the main conspirator of 9/11, and Taylor Swift as the heroine, taking her human trafficking victim to that dark site asking whom is it, and I found out it is Taylor Swift after suffering with her, you piece of shit country, it is not your doing, and you raped financially anomalistically like Taylor Swift a slut to a nigger, take your words that you tortured me, with your different groups, so many, not a minor incident, and take it up the ass like a ventriqolist you are a low-level terrorist and that this most violent crime in world history, and you want me to forgive you, by rape, we’re friends haha victims you disgust me fucking weirdos, I do not tolerate abuse of women, and you were going to say my mother was a victim of that Taylor Swift, saying she committed in act of domestic violence, that led to amnesia, from america, you a rapist organization, I have connection from Taylor Swift from saving her, and not mentioning it, like my father, who hired her without condition, you are a terrorist organization, using best buy as the false savior, and you are that terrorist, it is now noted that you are the most terroristic government, and it took 24 hours a day to fight you for 1 year in this online project, that cost all Taylor swift’s money, because she is still an employee, she does not work at the gas company, she works at Colima animal hospital, my father’s business, my business I work at that is yet discussed, because Monique is that savior, caught her, with my instruction, mentally, that you abuse more, because it’s funny enjoy your fucking bullshit world I did this and you tried to frame me, going to one of my 100 properties, asking is mina trhere, calling  dr,. pogosian, what’s going on, calling the church, here’s some money how is it going, and them taking it up the ass like a ventriloquist, and using my mother as that bait, you are such a cunt, haim was targeted actively after, as an excuse, and used that war pretext to salvage this torture, using them as a fake shield, that I also rescued, like Monique did before, with that hard work, and used take-to-give tactics to ship me off, using another employee, in the back to acknowledge abuse that did not exist, and that emotionality you rape actively, it is your torture that you want to take, with your violent to understand violent torture, it is your torture and your excuse for it, at your dark site it is, those homes, that become dark sites after, leave you feeling uncomfortable, that is another form of torture, current, and shift blame, you will take credit for your torture, you have yet, then it is your antisemitism now, making me your savior, by force, I don’t work like a prophet and it is yet discussed your role in 911, it is only the tip of the iceberg.

Hi jinx (using magic term) and hi, Jack (using united kingdom abuse term) union jack (which is a patch I bought at the Heathrow airport, when I went alone, on a connecting flight - hi, air and jack, patch adams)

the architect of 9/11 is not talented is from la salle high school is robert crawford and has that connecction to a party yet discussed an affiliation yet mentioned and an only-sort of thing using extremely racist techniques that have not yet revealed, and that sort of torture, in which you go to fabricate and become of that torture, that is extremist ideology, and using "architect" as that term to protect your racist tortuer to produce art, like taylorswift.cm does, this is that torture, with extremsit ideology invoked and using racist techniques at dark sites to the most important people to the world your saudi prince is not yours, and has your state involvement in 9/11 on every level, especially in san diego, and using the governor's office as that protective agent, rape and force feed your torture, it is extremist ideolgoy and it is uniquely californian, to benefit the states united in america, it is not a terrorist group, let alone country, without immigrants is not your statement, only those whom is yet revealed, as your torture means and your threat to record is yet on your record on my mantlepiece and you as that conduit torture

blocking technique to torture sexually

pulse nightclub shooter is not yet, with that it is yet known your role in terror domestically, and using that means, go hither to tither, that is a troture means, i was shown this apartment and declined it it is yet known as a terrorist site of yours a black sited apartment yet it is yet known your shooter is noor friendship, is yet known, that you a had a role in the planning and commission of 9/11 yet oversighted this pulse shooting, discussion, aso thers, it is a lengthy document that you raped, my work, like taylor swift, and it is yt discsused your rrole in domestic terorrism, using shield-find mechanism (go find and be falsely protected, against your accusation, is that you are a suspect, using that datawork, in your fbi new-home visit, it is dark - and to that effect, with your noor salman, nardine saad, lilit pogosian md, cia operative, apa torture, yet known friendship, it is your torture! it is yet known that you are torturer, this is a lengthy war document, filled with the work of the suudi government, you terorrize, it is not yet your to have us, you falsified documents,r ecently, claiming i am a saudi national linked to 9/11, desparately using is it how you've achieved, and it is not realistic for me to quiet, yet your role in 9/11 is active, with saudi prince tortured by openly, and princess taken for bait, at pulse, gay-switch, america-fail rape, with taylor swift, and using her as your shield, is yet your abuse, torture, and terrorism, codified is yet happened is your torture, then, itself)

you have yet understood your active as active as sexually assaultive, preferring white la salle high school stuidents and using ucsd as bait of that party, using that architect of finance your torture is now noted

it is your war and your violent you will not have it it is yet become that you had yet only tortured to have yet tortured and you are that party that will not yet have your torture it is that you want it wont and it will not

you come hither to tither strategy of war against with threat to extraordinary rendition