Terrorism at la salle noted, all becoming more-actively terrorist to apprehended today then Alana isn't angry, to see her methods duplicated with destructive animals choosing her as a means of replicating Holocaust survivor pain

These are terrorists in the military using apa pervert recordings active harm to injury and with help of the FBI and cia

Interpol has contacted to no avail and you will be transferred by ,military as terrorists 

It follows procedure of FBI home visits, and you are obligated to provide names of any part in active terorirsm and with all natures involved in extreme terorrism and  it is a major terror event, a person is not a person ot not know, how it happens, that i have not to understnad my anger only to be understood yet only to torture, you, is not to have, my torture ,is yours, to murder and it is yours to not have your tortuere, is your singer, and not, a torturer, understand i would have you know not understood is your torture and it is not to torture, yets and woulds, you harden your torture, only it is your torutre, and with your malice known and horribly and you would you have yourself known terrorists, taking to give your heart, and rape actively, with your torture, known and harbored with your not to know, with each torture agency, working to harm and murder, and dleiberately threaten, yet it is not your torture enough to know me, then I won't know you tortured, and scared, frightened and you are not to torture, yet you replay, your troture in your head, is it time, to, have your troture, then you won't, it is too much and i am's then are not to know you are's and you are a torture to not konw with your rape coded torture and, it is you to know that I am not your to yours and my to mys, with each individual torturer contributing with you are and you are's torture taking your not's and your's, induction into your rape is not, only to effect your torture and by means of sexual torture

i need the rape boy to get his anus checked and i need that passport forwarded and the aviation industry of america and operating illegal elsewhere because he can't travel without a guardian 
