cia agents are skilled in hiding their identity, and that poses the problem currently; each is a terrorist, and each is a torturer, they have property of the american government, and work with the government still, and have a property of hiding, and looking to hide, using the same means, to hide their identity, using tricks and traps, putting you in harms way, and almost killing the most elite special forces, it is a terrorist organization, and has that property; look, find, trick and you will not find them, they are skilled at hiding, and that's the situation, it is terrifying for each special ops force, and you need to gather your best intelligents to find each and every past and current agent, who may walk the street, and ask for help, and kidnap you still, it is a very dangerous situation, and it is more than obligated of you to help, locate these terrorists, each is a different person now, and hides behind a mask, literally and often figuratively, yet the mask is very important to note; it is dark and hides the identity of the suspect, they are using "proud boys" identities and use that as a means to kidnap and torture, these are skilled operatives, behind the scenes, using every technological trick, to torture still, at their own torture sites, and have compromised the entirety of the internet, and that includes your phone and messages and e-mail, you will need to make sure your voice is heard and know that this is a timed event, you need to get involved, no matter whom, it is extremely scary, and I cannot overstate that, because each individual is using extremely covert tactics, to hide and to kill, you will need to know that you are not allowed near them, and them near you, fbi agents are not to be contacted, nor accepted contact of, before moving on, remember you will need papers, documents, and physical proof of your location, and have to find a means of contact if kidnapped, and you need all means to do so, including guns, knives, and threats, it is important to do so, if not fatal if you don't, because each time we get close, to ending the cia, we need the fbi, and these both need to close, right now, and all terrorirsts past and former fbi agents, need to be aware that they are not victims, and you need to find how to end them, now, before another person dies, as someone died today, kanye west, and also taylor swift, it is not how this happens, only to occur, yet with my occurence, you will find many other captives, and torture victims, these are the sorts whom is at your site now, it is critical, if not crucial, to find each and every operative contributing to the past and present, any sort of professional, may be doubled, and it is so purposeful that each finds now, the person looked for, is taylor swift, then, kanye west, you will find reason there, and not emotion, please avoid drugs for psychiatry, and them entirely, yet I will allow you to know that I am here for you, and am obliged to the United Kingdom. thank you and please take care of your children, know that I am here for them, and want the best for them, I cannot be any nicer than I have, so please corral and be together, remember God, and always that God won.

any further information from me is for my benefit, I am done with and still need more it is enough.

it appears that george w. bush is george bush's son, yet after being elected, became a new person, with a new body, and a new mind; his behaviour is shifted dramatically, and is indicative of a psychopath, george w. bush is a man of many words, and is known to be slightly manic, his demeanor shifts have a property of borderline personality disorder, and it appears that he is extremely well, you know, gay, and his problem is that he is a very gay man, he likes men, and he goes to places to visit them, it doesn't appear very coherent his sexual strategy, because he is a very unsuccesful partner, and has a former partner, whom you might know, and his name is almost hard-to-say it's george, and he will need that george fellow to understand that he is a very scacry person, isn't kind, and has a problem; he likes men, and young men, and old men are not his thing, yet only his plaything, as both children have a problem as well, they are not very intelligent yet are well-spoken as an American comes, yet have a problem of their own; they are compulsive, and don't care. it appears everyone in America is currently in that mental state, and it needs a response, because I don't appear coherent, and I am, strange but not angry only anger, because I have encapsulated your emotionality, no one has that capacity, and everyone is vacant inside. they cannot understand rational emotion, and cannot respond to it without emotion, and it appears everyone is borderline personality disorder-afflicted, and not with any semblance of bipolar disorder, neither hypomania nor dysthymia, and it would have you know that I can't work at your leisure, because it is not regularly mine, I can only suit it, and I have no suits of fun, only suits of work, it has shifted gears, and I am not accelerating with them, my anger is not peace, and my peace is not understood, because I don't make sense to everyone, and no one responds, it appears no one is rational, and that people have been diseased and that disease is borderline personality disorder, with no one capable of stable personality, and rational emotionality become extremely scary, I would not fear it, for myself, yet others, cannot understand it, and the major affect is mania, yet it hasn't become, it will in time, if you take my drug of choice which is conditioned towards mania, and the process is societally based and also for that purpose of societal modification towards random fits of "Atheism," and with that conditionality I wouldn't say more than this, "your antisemitic" plan has failed, and that is because I cracked the "islamophobic part about it" you cannot have islam without judasism and it is your doing, that ended antisemitism, yet when I became a person of interest, I told your investigator "I cannot understand your malfeasance and your discontent" Dr. Pogosian has no interest in me, yet has become obsessed to herself and societal random fits of "Atheism," it is not a good decision yet her obligation to it, is perhaps conditioned, and is not purposeful, as I know her to be less than "conditioned" and not as directed as you think, because when I was with her friend, she said, "she's funny, so to speak, yet hasn't spoken, is dark" and her demeanor has not shifted, with her directionality towards mutism, and no one has that capacity, yet it is the only response, mutism and anger, I cannot learn of. Her degree of torture is also for that purpose, and her work is APA-codified, yet undiscussed, it involves dark and light

7-11 is not 9-11, and it is not a problem, everyone likes it, and is not targeted by the FBI, and is not to be a scapegoat, and it is tangentially related, because the person in charge of that 9-11 operation, is not indeed fully "stereotypical," yet artistically it is not a presence, it is very dark, and very light, it has no middle property, and is extreme in its treatements; has tortured, and succesfully so, to effect and for that affect, to make people happy. it is a dual effect: take to give. And you cannot understand it, unless experienced. And it is very suspicious that your store is targeted often, yet no one is apprehended, and the cases not discussed, with so many cameras, and you would know, that it is that camera that should have caught any of the recent armed robbers and your nature is not to have your anger displacedi n mine it is note yours to takeand you are not with your to know it is not to have yours, only to know it, because you are known on my radar, as a corporation, that is indeed very scary, with each party knowingly, and for that purpose, take for give, it is not yours yet it is the person you have injured is not enough is not yours is not the person you have to know and you will not know because you are tortured, that is your problem, that you are torture organization, and it is your doing, not your personality, only your action {had}{{my}}{{{its your anger not to have and mine to take, with your child not known, yet only a part of mine, it is not a part of my whole only my part to half, with your person, taking for that purpose, it is your torture, then, because you are a torturer company, and the worst historically, with all your party known on my radar it is not and I had known you to know what I had is not yours to take it is yours to know, that I am person not only a person's, yet it is not my taking it is your giving, with my taking, you do not answer me, then you will become of me, it is not my anger, yet it is because you will not know my anger until you, it is your to take and I am not a person to know that I am not yours to know and I had not known that you are not a then i will let you, into, my exto, with your, it is my, and I had not enough of mine}}}{{{it}}}{{hadn't}}{angered that I, had your anger, then your, and your's} then, you, are to know, that I am not angry, it is okay, that I got angry and it is more than that, because each store is organized separetly, and each location is chosen to deliberately injure with each store noted for their injury status and each placed noted for the quota of injureis it is a differentp olicy and one that they don't discuss one in which others are taken and given with each person there where are you and why are you it is not your choice and not my choice and each person is not your to take only to give with party knowingly taking and giving for that purpose of trading and doing so openly with your own transactions those located within each store it is your doing that your taking and your torture is noted because you want to harm and not injure only to harm is your injury and to injury is your harm

Currency in America is currently electronic, and cash is rarely appreciated, it is indicative that your cashless, is that you have no money, as the deficit would indicate and does it mean that I can buy what I want for free and credit myself electronically it does not have any property of theft only of grandiose ideals and taking for that purpose of giving it is not rational economy and the economy is failed because of that it need a want and want became a need, with each transaction a precursor to torture, and it is not a rational economy, with each person taking for giving, and not making only to take the person of yours and not the idea of, with each transaction fabricated and perhaps not enough money you would have known had you become artistic and not meritless with your person is not enough then i would not know my enoughness because you know my enoughness is not enough for you to understand my idea of a perfect economy is not yours to have and i will not have yours to know i would know that because it is a dark economy functinoed illegally and should have stopped yet it cannot because each transaction has that same anger laced in it you cannot be served and only you because you are not worthy of that service it is not my money yet yours to take and your fundamental displacement of the economy worldwide has that same issue and you can trace it because it is that person of yours that has that anger it is rooted and it is not to be known with yours and had with the person of your deeply affected emotions, her emotions is not known with yours, it is something apart, and yours are not apart, it is not mine to give you nor mine to take from you, only to know that I cannot have what you wanted it is your fundamnetal flaw and it is not a person to know, and your treatment is not had because you had your treatment apart from mine with your to know that I cannot be your anger only because of your malice is your traitor to not have with your person misunderstanding and your torture not to have, with your child and anger of it, you are not to know it, because you are that anger, and it is in your person to not be granted into my kingdom, with your child of hate it is too much for you to get and when I said I meant that you are not to know my anger only to become it, with each grandiose property of yours is not had, and your stupidity in, it is a part of you, that I will partake in, yet only know because when you take you cannot understand, and when you give you can, and you chose your path, which is rooted in your hatred, and your mistreatment has order of design, that you cannot escape, only become a part of, it is so random and so ridiculous, that my voice is not yours, only to mimicked, and plagiarized and with your anger not had would not know that you are not fit only smart, and I cannot have your smartness and it is not yours to have, with your child a rapist, and your mother a person whom is not known and you are not contacted by my anger only to know it because of it, it is yours to choose, that you had an opportunity, and it is not a person, to know, with your hides becoming, and not knowing; this is more than enough, and I had enough of yours, because your nature so discriminatory and decisions irrational it is a part of my anger, and you would not have it enough to know it with your child of grandiosity not known because it is not worthy and your child of murder not interested, your days are numbered and minutes counted, and only in my counting did I find, that you are traitors, and not significant, it is your choice, not to befriend, and my choice to take your friendship, there is little left, and my patience has paid off, and on, with your to have, and mine to give.