devils (United States of America) versus G-d (United Nations, Roman Papacy, and Mina, and Danielle Haim)

(1776-2024. Defeat, at Eisenhower Library)

Taylor Swift's "Tortured Artist Department"

report all terrorists, each other, and you cannot, because you are not the authority, terrorists over the united nations, say, where you want and beg, i am the authority, do as i say, and if you don't, then you cannot speak, we do not bow to you, we bow out of your country's membership

Mina is not supposed to be afraid, nothing scares him, so thanks King Charles III, for his mentorship and help throughout this scary time, in America, so terrifying to some, and terrorize whom? Children of leaders, so banned you are, like Travis Kelce and Gavin Newsom and Ron DeSantis, already, and are fugitives, Americans. it's okay to be scared, we are not scared, we will kill them and torture them more! It's kind of my decision.

hold back, and back towards the wall is not yours to know what we did not have, rights, Americans

any indivdiual governor or mayor or legal representative or anyone with legal cases is to be foreced by Japanese authority, contact for proper means of action, and your terrorists will not increase, this way, great way to start the election cycle that is not contested on a national level because the president is to sign all documents related to the electino procedures, and that president is me, ask United Nations, it is required also of the president to get signatures of those in the United Kingdom, becauseo f his sitaution

unfortunately, taylor swift is '-"gone" she will not return, until her appearance on Broadway, saying it is a new show, time to adjust, with a new taylor swift, and that will absolve all governmental troubles; yet, she is not a tortured artist, is a narcissist, and a psychopathic one;. She has an opportunity to recompensate HAIM for its work on the Eras Tour, which they were forced onto, by an illegalagreement at the record label., and they were chosen to be mocked and tortured, as "side shows" to a "fake aritst." She is a known abuser, and someone Islamohpobic. She has a problem. SHe likes money. She is a person to know. She injures directly, like Tonya Harding, only in a veiled way, to become a proxy a genius abuser. She is scary, and worked hard on HAIM's extrarodinary rendition. It was planned, and deliberately, she was the-person of hatred, a white supremacist, she is a psychopath, and you are not stupid, you chose her, for that reason, rape and torture of Islamics, she was chosen for that reason, to hide, and, thus, propagate torture of Islamics, as is American policy, she is not a person to be uniquely artistic, and has a history of artistic racism, and worked hard to hide her tracks. She intially was to harm me, and then her. At that institution, University of California, she worked-hard to cover her tracks, she wsihipered how can-we get rid of him, and how can do we so harm and why can we do so, under what apretense. I was not a person to be conacted, and never was. She is a liar. and a govenrmental confindante. She abused, and thrilled hersel,f after the abuse, watching pornographic videos of Islamic men, and harboring hatred while doing so, she a isrscist, and a deliberately ;. you are at errorist, worked foro that organization FBI, and CIA,APA with your personhood taken for challegning her, when she asked "can I report you for molesting a child?" she answered "yes." and i did so, she harbored deep hatred doing so, with a person of hers, working at the APA, choosing Alana HAim, to torture, she is a chosen torture victim, and for the APA, for narcisism, and the NYT, it is a deliberate effort, and calculated effort, she is going to be killed right now, becasue she's a racist, and her effort with Alana is racism, she is violent, and terrifying, like Americans are, she worked at torture sites, choosing which is best for Alana, the "dark-ADA psychiatrists," and your arrest is now, every indivdiual tortured chemically and hpysically, this is nota. good governemtn and you're going to be quelled and killed, don't try me, this is terrorism, you are over, you are a terrorsit coutnry, stay away from israelies and islamics  you are at a moral downpoint no it is your doing over the years a complete murder has been intiiated americca is at war you have a duty, extra-nationals, to report any street and any terrorist, & you may not contact us, terrorists. Tella Alanica, about veronica, it's donnaca, and monica i'm not playing, you are scary, it is not a terrorist government anymore, say hello to your new President Princess Charlotte, at your discretion Ms Princess Este Haim, and with your mother and father, and sister and brother, President and President's Parents and President's Friends and Presidents from Before Not To Bother President Alana Haim, sounds good to us, here at the Royal Country Clubs, where you are torture and I am a torturer, I don't want your abuse, nor abuser, to near, yet I fear for your safety, and have protected you for the past 39 years, it's too little and too dramatic, yet hopefully you can find a new way, with Africans, allowed in your country, to swim back to shore, it's not too little nor too late yet it's too much and too soon thank you for your kind words and behaviors, yet they're suffering, and I have to suffer with them, currently, too many concentration camps, and too much racism, controlled and governed, it's not right, it's so wrong, and it made me insane for you, and us, to understand each other better, abuse is not a joke, nor is anything even saying that word she so comfortably sings it's not yours to know, and it's ours to discuss, and quiet is yours, not loud is mine, be kind and different, scary and unkind, smart and lazy, horrifying and horrible, it's too little of me to give to you, another nation, so I'll go back tomorrow morning at 8AM in a horse-drawn carriage towards my private jet, which escapes you, necessarily, because anger is too much, even talking, so calm yourselves, your nerves are rattled and I've never been, please calm your souls and find God and with God for God, it's too late you'd say never, becasue today is your God's birthplace, you will not find a time better than when you have known and unknown God to know God better, is your obligatory and personal decision, be kind unnecessarily, and emotively project it is not your being to suffer and I know it is mine, for you, please recognize your kindnes, you make a decision, not made your decisoin to be hurt is not mine neither, you can keep your bitch and I will keep mine, at your rage, only, knowingly, because you sent her there, to compensate, for racist behaviours at CIA Black Site and your site for me was particularly damaging to my health, and was designed for me individually, and had properties related in the states, where I was brutalized, chained, and whipped, by rapists, whom I would not know had you not spoken to me, that morning, on the telephone, I asked you politely why are at my home and why are you not at yours FBI Special Agent Shiva Taghdis, and tell me why you are at my will not vice versa because you chose my home, in particular, to survey and stalk after, with agents everywhere, spying, brutalizing, and torturing all the while, and still was I enough? Did I do enough? And why are you so mad at me? It is not madness, to compensate for your rage, I would not harm a penny lane singer, yet you wanted me at Penny Lane, despearetly, and I would not go, because I didn't want to and I have people there, writing your story not mine, differently I'd say it was a joint effort between agencies at the Government and at the United Kingdom's paralel in the states, where British nationals argue for torture at the expense of The Royal Empire's safety; it is not a process, nor an extradition only, it is a longtime survey for me, I was tortured, throughout my adolescence, and with conditionality not available for me, brutalize mina or be brutalized. such was her decision, do not brutalize mina, only protect him, as he protected us throughout his adult life, and with their children always helped, at my emotional cost, it is not a favourable country for my health, and it's a terrorist country, not only here, but in cuba, where this penny lane is a dangerous black site, where inmates are categorized as "unresponsive" "unadherent" and "terrorist supporters," not "terrorist," it is a dangerous place, not much different than a black site in Cobalt or Salt Pit, because it involves mocking racistly, taking my appearance, my sound, and brutalizing me, at the purpose of enabling taylor swift to mock the United Kingdom's sound and energy, she is a brutalist, and worked with several UK Musicians on this failed endeavor (slightly,) she took four of them, Taylor 1, 2, 3 (that individual Drake) and the other James Soliman, a person of no interest to you apparently, whom is not a person to befriend, only jokingly - because he is as dangerous, yet more subtle, taking lives casually is a means of survival to gang members, only, you because your membership and my anger don't go together, like a person and an object, you are not a person, you'd say, but an animal, brutalize and brutalizations only suited, because you are a tortued soul, I'll make doubly so, with each torturer at your black site penny lane, for a purpose of mocking the United Kingdom, and with Jack David Ross present througout, at deliberative tables, the attorney presented, to mock my intelligence, yet his is unprecedently beneath me, where he cybersexed a child growing up, and fabricated his existence, with the assistants at La Salle High School protecting him, a pedophile, and working against me currently, to protect terrorist parents and terrorirst students, where 9/11 is caused for your brutalization nott mine, I would never harm an animal, it is not a construct of mine, yet you do not care you are abused and scared, I am so unafraid of you, that I clobbered the entirety of the government and without using weapons, committing any semblance of crime, using utter care of the legal system, not objectifying law, and never been sued, arrested, am I yours to talk to let alone look at, you are a person not to comment on me, yet your white trash friend Robert Crawford, is a terroriist, working at black sites currently, for insanity's purposes, with Colin D'Souza, a drug representative, with a parent helping, of J&J, to take my work and brutalize me for it, he is a terrorist supportive of Rober Talwar, a reckless man, scary and abusive, his work is noted at numerous prisons, as very racist and terrifying to women, he is a man of many words and few actions, like Richard Gray, whom is a president of that school, where he initiates action, and gets results, because of his connections, and is hired at torture cells for Middle-Eastern children, and has a conditionary access to the government, with an agent working directly under, a person you might know, as Gavin, whom is a dangerous person for many reasons, namely rape and torture, he is a dangerous serial killer, like Katie Legato and Sudheer Anne, children of the world, scary and reckless, yet Alana and I chat a lot more than you'd think? And why? Because she is Israeli, and I Christian, then why are we so friendly to you now, and not before, then you are tortured and abused, only after you've taken us for a ride, and your parenthood is not to be comedic fodder, yet it is objectively funny to you, to laugh at me, my doings, my work, my looks, my attire, it is related to your family, Anthony Eskander, whom is a dangerous man, and has a racist history of his own, his murder of Adel Karas, is noted with his supporter Nadeem Eskander, whom killed Adel Karas, for fun, and only as a joke, for a personal favor, taking a woman out, he is disturbing and irratinal, like Mina, only never, because his son is homosexual, of course, and dangerously feminine, his behaviors awkward and his fake victimization rewarded financially, and his response received, not mine, yet from anyone, yet his abuse is always the same, "i'll do it." that is andrew david soliman, he is as dangerous as it sounds and has a rape history, working with many others in CIA torture programs, please look around and get comfortable it's time for my revenge and that's making my work more popular than yours ever was, and my people happier than they'll ever know