Why does Monday happen and why does Tuesday not? I've been rather sad I've been down wondering what happened to me and what happened to my friends why is everyone so angry and why am i upset and why can one answer to me am i sad enough today am i sad enough for you tomorrow i hope not
and i hope that i can get better, but it's hard, really it is; i would like to ask you why this happened, why I'm so down, and why I'm so not up. is it time to get up and why is it that time again, i don't like touchy people nor your touchiness but i like to be held and nourish others. today, i'm sad. because i learned a lot about a lot of things, and not in the right way. i was told i would be happy and I'm happy. It's just a lot. When someone you love and someone you take care of turns on you, then what happens next? Does it change you? Do you change? And what happens to those whom can't help you in a jam? It was rather sad and painful also weird and strange. It's just another day. I'll get visited the next. It's okay.
Yet I still have questions and no answers. Mainly,
Why am I so?
Apparently, a lot of famous people and moneyed sorts, have a problem; they like. And they like. And they like a lot of things, I don't really care for things more than what I think I do. Yet, tomorrow, is another day to hope.
I'm wondering, why no one cares, is it that no one listens? I'm listening. It's me again, your friend from abroad, yet I can't answer, it's not in me, and maybe if I get better, like buy something I don't think Taylor Swift is kind. I don't think Taylor Swift is nice. I don't think Taylor Swift is my ability to kindly help and I don't think she can be worse. She has a major financial stake in most corporations and works hard to kill anyone who even makes a sound about her financial misgivings, yet they are so many. I think most moneyed sorts have kind hearts, but they don't. She is ruthless. She worked against every individual in my community, meaning coloured and crazy, and she is extremely skilled at hurting. Finds my weak points. And utilizes every capital to do so. She is scary. Works in the dark. For herself. And injuriously so. She has very few friends. And more than enough money. She does it for a reason; hurting me. It's okay. Maybe tomorrow. That's my lifestyle. Yet tomorrow I hope and I don't get. It's pointless, because she is an extremely skilled trafficker. And she revolves the world. She really does. Anyone is involved in a trafficking ring, can trace the money to her partner in crime currently selling gazma to make money taking gazma men el setat and wearing them to sicken others, he has a history of torture, and is unkind. that is not only that individual before, kot and worked deliberately to injure me and enjoy. That secondary party is not just one person is a group named in that document it is extremely tough to find a trafficking victim, as you can see, it took me more than the time Taylor vanished. And I don't really have much time to save another. I look at things like without faces, for their help to be okay, and for their safety. Yet when Taylor is sad, I have to stop. And when I get sad, she has to cry and it's important to know I can't do this alone and my back is fucking breaking. Get away from this stuff, and seriously grow up.
Finneas is a new person, scary af, and you stay away.
Kid Cudi is scary, not the very original, a new version only after minutes of exposure reported dead by gunshot wound to the head of himself and you don't care, and I care more to know whom is doing this and why and how to stop it and for what reason. I've suffer yet it's not enough. Tonight, I'm asking for help - again. Not from the FBI, nor anybody else for my health or whatever. That was a serpentine attack, from a pedophile organizer; that would a be a tourist sexually looking for me, that's not me you're getting. You're getting skin and bones. If you want a puppy, I can ask my doctor to ask if you need help get it from yourself. Anyway, a lot of Football players do the same thing, and most are careless indivduals, working against the governments of other countries, and using that means of torture - take and make injure and overwhelm, this same strategy works instantly - the person gone and replaced without your noticing.
It appears that you found a source of sexual torture that would be Taylor Swift again, as a major child sex trafficker not, she trafficks as an accessory does to a crime, come and go.
Kid Cudi, again, is not nearly as scary as Benjamin Yang, and has a financial stake in Adidas, that corrupted Kanye West's perception and ruined his life, he works for that shoe industry sell to give. And this torture is his. He is virulently antisemitic, along with his helper in the dark-skinned commiunity and is responsible directly for that trafficking of Taylor Swift's friend titi, that means her friend of a friend kind of thing. This could have been stopped, if you treated me respectfully, yet the FBI and its partner in crime aii meaning the AI machine prevalent now don't care. It's okay to cry. It's not okay not to fight back. In your weakest moment, tired and asleep, fight like you did before. I don't care for credit. It's not money. It's why you do these things, like visit your home and ask why are you scary, and why are you upset; that trick tactic is used often and beration of people of color is almost extreme, you don't deserve me yet you deserve me. That abuse is extremely scary, and leads to so many problems. And if you go to jail, you'll be drugged instantly and this prisoner pill is not only to make you work hard. Please advise your partner to find your lost friend and don't lose your faith and always ask why and how come.
This document is sealed. Do not enter a sealed residence. My work is copyright. And I take that seriously. I don't hurt anyone. Rumors are true. Please consult your authority for medical assistance. I am not a fighter, nor Egyptian. I am a product and I have a few words for my friend and also my heart and soul, PII, that is Paylor attorney, it is a friend that works in that district. She is hard-working and also not for money only for sex. I was trafficked by a drug dealer a long time ago and I'm not that normal because of that. Respect My momma and respect me please, I'm talking money isn't money without your momma and that momma isn't yours she's my momma and that's Madonna to you! I love my momma!