Concentration Camp XRay

The order was to stop and you continue, raping it is your order, then, not to order. It will happen now. You will lose your camera on your phone. It won't reverse, then forward, it is bidirectional, and a cause for war. The war has been established. Because of your current level of torture. It is a necessary outcome. You cannot listen to anyone rational nor emotional, and triggered our defense system. You call us crazy. I am not your hacker nor your sneaky abuser, full war will take you down, and your rapists now, noted, it is not a touch-feel war, avoid, and you don't, pedophile off

1. You brought security to that church to fabricate with. That's enough of you. Numerous times, contacting, and in your documentation, fail to injure and injure to injurious effect, torture and for, and with.

2. This is Iceland. It's over. You are not suicidal. You are homicidal

extremist torture

Your military command was to kill me, not torture me alone, kill and torture to kill eventually end and that's the financial establishment your religion is your guise, and your death

All military effort will be to end you, you are a terrorist, taking, raping, hiding, hostages, killing, andm murdering, and torturing actively at your site, using recording means and openly of children in bathroom you illiterate people try to rape and change art, so that's what will happen.

Security in Iceland police. Don't contact us. (Military guard, protect.) Name: Mina Code: Head Agent Coded: Military Agency

Violent pedophilia at torture site Camp Delta, into murder of UK child. This will induce temporary restraint, to financial restraint, and murder of torturers first, then children of, and families thererin; this is logical action, emotional not, please seek corrected work for emotionality and rape actively of family and noted of Mary tanagho Ross children with active pedophilia rape bathroom, desperate to murder, and might happen without response, with active military chemical poisoning (CVS and APA and CA and CIA Lilit Pogosian Haspel Nardine Saad) As Ireland is nonviolent, response will come from 

torture is not yet noted here

camera in bathroom i think you're a little person tbh

28 years is a better than 25 years of governmental torture

The coptic church is noted as a terrorist organization and is used as that means to obligate Egypt to torture Americans, and it is its partnership with the United States, that has tortured Islamics, and used as that means of torture for Jews, it is an antisemitic organization, of course, yet works deliberately to incriminate Egypt and used as the Islamic torture means it's a complete mockery of Islam that Coptic Church in its entirety "take your injury and make it" it is only your doing, and its taking; it works deliberately and fast to injure and comedically so, injure yourself, and go; that’s the mission, and America is the objectively defined militarily, I don’t work for the military i don’t want to hurt myself that’s why yet a lot of Americans are not allowed near me, yet still approach that kind of language a person is not of it, only because of it, I would not be tortured nor tormented, and you had obligations so you brought upon Kyna Wise to torture me, that was part of your plan and your initiation of torture and its been since I’ve never seen her maybe a yearbook photo but I don’t even think that, and her brother a dangerous ADHD-Ritalin musician and a father akin to a person whom isn’t yet RFK it is more like Are You Not Oh Fucking Kay?

United Kingdom War

Let it pass.

a person is not yet a person if a person is harmed and i had a person i wouldn't harm that person yet you only harm because you want to and it's your objective you're very nice yet not, angry and not, mildly infuriated and not, making others look different than they are is your objective militarily than I don't want your military near me and only your military came near asked can i help you if you help yourself and using an extreme tactic that you would know in your manual can i ask you and how can i ask you it is your decision to injure me and violently torture my friend and attorney yet only in that attorney partnership had you understood your role in torture it is injure and violently get away with it i don't fight for no reason, yet with reason, i am not crazy and you had only decided injury your method of madness it isn't only that you want to make someone you a person isn't yet, taken to your anger and in your active feel is it fun that kind of stuff is extreme and had you deliberative power you had only decided let injury and make injurious that quality, is it time, and when is it time using extremist tonality and that kind of torture is extreme and also for that own purpose, embarass yet don't, and injure yet will, that was your objective to not injure only yet of your mind find a new way out of your problem that is injure your effect, and make injury of the way you do things and that was so violent and you had only asked can i injure and how and use that horrible tactic find a new way out and now that was your last ditch effort so to speak where you found your own torture in yourself and found a way out which is your drug and your medication is yet yours not you only yours, and that was your decision militarily and your objectively angry party of torture is yet that you had want a need yet? and it is your decision to find and injure and use that injury and finding as a way to torture, still, find and inquire that is your means, then use it as your suffering, and your elation is not that you cannot only ban yourself, and your stupidity yet I will and I won't!

is that your son had a word with not a son

Emergency Contact:

You are racist stay a way

Emergency Contact :

Describer of torture: 

Literary Understanding :


Prescriber Doctor unit (mina) Medical :

Hostage Talks: (HAIM)

Financial: Mastercard, Monahan,

Tifbi contact phone line only

United Nations Torture Designation: Mary Tanagho Ross

Middle Eastern Peace Treaty :

Israel Hamas War Victory Instructions,Terrorist Designations   :

Fan Letters, tips :

Journalistic Addendum:, :

Writing Samples : http://www.🫶.fM/well-then-yes

January 6 , Had you not! : Nikola Tesla museum


You are noted as writers of terrorism

taylor swift is chosen in particular to attack and i am the most attacked, yet against your violent intellectuals stupid and moronic everyones, i did this myself and conquered like a lion not a person would interest in another self-finance is your decision to my money yet your recording your voice is heard of a torture that will not have a torture yet your delusional mindset is not yet only i would not only harm another yet I had always recorded your voice and had you a way out of your torture i would not only know you are not to torture a person it is not rational yet you had only your disease not to have it is only your torture not only you had wanted yet you had wanted more of and i cannot injure myself to know another it is only my injury not to have and i had only your torture not to know is it that you know that it is only torture not spoken yet heard and had i not your opportunity i would yet tell you not to injure another and yet your decision-making has made yourself away from my interest and i had only my anger is not your choice to have

i would not become a dual-nature to become your recordings of mine

and had you no way out, it would become your filthy mother and father and your is it fun you cannot answer then tell yourself it is not your torture it is how you've injured and why it is less interested you are a bet to a person and i would not gamble my decision-making into your hatred that i would not know of you

and if i knew you i wouldn't! it is your decision to dance and sing then sing and dance it is your fbi and cia you keep them and more than that, you are so fucking ugly like a duckling that hasn't been hatched you are so disgusting that I wouldn't have an understanding of you

the most-awarded musician and literary figure and coloured man in the history of the world, yet only of the kingdom united was violently tormented and it was a 100kill that was an attempted assasination and yet perhaps a body of my body would not have a person of your interest

your torture is your own being of it

you illiteracy is not you literacy of your daughter a songer of a dancer then you have danced into your Hades it is your duty to yourself and your country to injure that you cannot want so boldless and had i less to not know about your torture and your illegal recordings had you not a torture not to have me I don't understand and I don't want to.

the little Yale in me said I don't want to be a Yaeler anymore

i am the strongest writer and orator and musician in history that's why i chosen by the uk to kill your country in your singer of choice this is not a mistake i am the best artist in history not to mention i had not yet torture in your enthused nature of torture you do not have a nature of i would not explain your torture if i had to explain you into an artist of your torture i took on your whole military yet i would not take on a military if i did not want to. -Mina

my brother is your stranger torturer because is an injury is not had of an injury and i cannot have a trashwoman and yet only yet a person would not dirty himself to become you and you don't have to torture a person whom cannot have torture

your military art failed so aggressive is your bitch that your dick had a dryness to it your attack uk fail is your art a dick of your hardest man i do not have to answer you because i don't have to answer to your torture

you are not a person, whom can have self

make yourself fake yourself find yourself lose yourself find another self within self make it another take that self injure that person in your mockery of self and of yourself anger violently is not had, as you are that angry person. google, notice; false google ct (protocol, american attack, same fbi and cia, trick to fulfill and make of, governmental with trick, rape effect deliberately and violent heavyhanded attack is sought claim)

your threat warning stays: this is an artist, you don't understand and rape (letters are symbols, you are the terrorist commiting terroristic acts in your war lost battle obligitaroily and with your hatred to not have another aggressive you are nothing make nothing and will be nothing)

don't you ever stop to a rock star whom does not have your recommendation and you don't ever look at me stupid nigger put yourself in your head and your tried a heady technique that's so violent injure and you are not that torturer who will not have torture

rape and violently and Idgas (about your fucks)

you are so horrible

you are so violent

you are not forgiven

you try to work without a connection to anything and with violent accusations

of your nature, vile and contemptible (you are not a good person, and remind me of your sickening ways and I would never have a way with a person who wouldn't be.)


get away from this, and you get nearer

protocol: get away 

objective: you can't

purpose: to enjoy my rape and torture, and relax while doing so


clown lick a clit ain't a purpose

don't touch me a man like me wouldn't like you to

step off young m.a.'s kkkrown i kill not shoot 

take my name i got its namer

fuck you and you worthless slobs and i enrich my person only you doj this dick in your ass nigga

it's not that i don't understand you it's that i misunderstandings got too many pull a trigger ain't a rapper is a reason your emotion then your emotionla and reasonable and can understand it's been a person ain't a person without knowing and i don't really like people not much at all

target: people who think a person is a toy i would not have you know you're pointless

way: ask and not

you're not to talk

you're not to answer

you're to talk while answering

go answer yourself and not another and if you don't she'll torture

online abuse war: answer only "do you not?" "rhetorical and you won't but you will and if you do not then you will not and could you not?"

drug abuse: I caught you selling half a gram-types 

you won't shoot, you won't talk, you won't listen protocol: submit a tip

solution: not online no communication had all manipulated and blocked and stolen and with violent open sexual torturer: technological warfare with pedophilia necessary to combat, i am being violently tortured not tormented by you, it is codified my lines of communication have been manipulated oh fbi crazy, it's a long thing, you can ask them, they'll give you details, check out and but that's the document archival resource, hacking torture by to prevent and corrupt communication, necessitating localized -> majorlized -> torturized (protocol : fight, to, harm)

for me, now, it is us, mary and i, tortured, you are going to go jail right now and then held indefinitely until release by prison guard into police custody and at which you will not be questioned, as it's been established

mary and i will still seek release by icelandic authority no matter your torture and be sure your rape is noted your is your contact and i will not be contacted, .gov is your .police, stay away and please seek protocol, mary let's e-mail together, without, means long doesn't mean short, and complete procedure is to be followed 20 years isn't a moment to be messed up in a failed battle for treasury it's like go and stay, and release but hold

it's different when two communications are corrupted and needed

fbi torture method: stalling to insanity (form of enhanced interrogation)

fbi torture method: psychiatric medicine (torture, by same techniques)

fbi torture method: name-calling (fat, homeless, sexual humilitation)

fbi torture method: communication by reverse artist 

may and may not communicate (torture, and say you're self-torturer using rape langauge and rape emotionality active)

highly particularized attacks, and it feels weird because i survived, that was impossible so bold and if i wasn't more proud of myself and my actions my commitment and your drug of choice a sugar pill not a murderous weapon of war

you lost this war against iceland, accept your loss by icelandic official with no weapons except a gun the attack on iceland's military leader so scary and violent but i'm not just still here, give me that stationary
