a prison guard is not a prison guard. there is no prison guard. you do not have a prison guard. there is no prison guard. don't you understand? there is no prison guard. there is only one yard. and one person in it. it is the prison guard. you go to the yard and there is a lot more than that. you go to the yard, and the one prison guard. you can ask for help, is a prisoner. i do not know prison guards that know anyone else. if you go to the hole, it about your anger and unkindness. it's about your anger and unkindness only. they're over there, and i'm stuck out here. it ain't about, why you're angry. it's because you're angry. everyone in jail is fucked up, seeking. and that's why. they fuck up. you need to kill them. prison guard. is not the person to kill. you put a prisoner, in the guard's uniform, it ain't working. you gotta push the prisoner into the yard, then take his uniform off, and place him in the prison guard uniform. it is not a nice prison. you do not go outside. you stay inside kind of prison guard. i went to prison and found a guard yet my guard is unguarded i do not need protection nor your prison guard i tried paying a prison guard and ended in a prison yard many prisoners are imprisoned to protection against anger and unkindness, and I am your prison guard, I'm going to free my imprisoner, whom is not yours, i wished you well, to know that I cannot imprison, a guard, only a custodian of the yard, you watch the custodian, and he put you where and how and how come you ain't in the place i told you, it was not your place to not know me, i went and you have none to give no anger and I cannot be so kind to tell you you are not my prison guard and your anger is not your prison guard to know and imprisoner of yards is not my prison guard only my prison yard and the custodian is your uniform, and I would not, yet I do a lot of damage to prison yards because of bad custodians in prison yards, I wouldn't imprison my yard, yet I would imprison your uniform, it is not to know why that is not true, I am not whom, is your, is a way of, and not with, your anger, is my malice, yet I would not and cannot obligate myself, to know that my prisoner is you, and my impriosned is to know, that I am not your imprisoner, only your imprisoner is yours, to know that I will not, and cannot, understand, it is why a prison guard because you are not to contact, yet contacted there you become a prisoner not to know because you cannot understand why a person is so hateful yet disgraced, and your disgraced are not hated, only enough to comprehend I would not let you know my anger, enough, yet more than, yours, and my is not mine and yours is not your, because it is not a way to because of yours, and my anger is so anguished because you cannot understand, and my understanding is that you do not understand my anger and angered, and my anguish for my God has no end you will not, and cannot because you are not comprehensively understanding my ideal, is not misunderstood enough? then, don't, it will not suit your anger, to my anguish, and it is not my duty, nor my obligation yet it is my humble partnership with God, to understand that you are not the person, only the entity, and I cannot misunderstand, enough, because there is so much, yet so little, and more than enough, to have enriched the person, and your entity of that person, is yours not to be enriched, it is your partnership, not mine, that obligated you, and i rejected that obligation, only for the person's enrichment, and knowingly because I will not have your anger, only anguish, it is your asking, and I cannot answer to you, and underling, is not mine, and I cannot have been subjected to you, and you are subject to me, it is not my duty, and was not my duty, only because of you that I became angrier and unkinder, yet I never steered past your ways, only to understand that my ways, are the correct ones, and yours are not, it is proven that I have worked oppoistely to you, to enrich not me, only God, in spite of, the contradictioned, and is your to know the person whom is contradicted, and you would know that my anger is not, because I am not yours, only theirs, when i punched that motherfucker, it was a punch at you, because I never seen someone angrier than me that day and only because of yours it is not my duty to you to save my enemy from you and you are the person whom is that entity and i wouldn't have punched anyone harder because you are not a person to look at, let alone, wait, and get rewarded, the person of yours is the one I want to kill and did it is not your party of mine it is your party to understand that I don't fuck around, and when I saw a bitch I slapped him, and I told him if you like it then why don't you get angrier and it became that my anger was more understood than not, and I would not have misunderstood it enough, to know that you are bully in there, is your dick getting rid, is more than angry, that I am, thatI was, and that I am not to stay, because of your abuse, I tyrannically obsessed over you, how can I kill you and how can. I humiliate you, it is my duty to correct you, I am uncorrected, and I am the person you wanted to kill the most, and it hurt me, that you wanted to hurt him, so I hurt you back, and I let you know that an angrier person is the person you should have had, and your rage should have been, and mine shouldn't have, I have very little to say, because you hate the unkindness i want to show you my teardrop it ain't about you and i lied, i killed that motherfucker and it felt right and I'm going to humiliate him now, take a gun and put a down you do that for me and put that gun and write my name on it smith ain't wesson you ain't understanding that a person can kill you any day then you are a person i dont know because it took long and i don't answer to nobody and only God know how hard it get and I know how hard I got, when I fucked your bitch, you ugly motherfucker, it ain't about why you think, it's about how you think, and how you thought a person can become someone else's unkindness and anger, it is not about my anger no more than it was, so please gather your girlfriends and cry for your boyfriends and you do the same, it's about why you are not angry enough, and it's about why a cunt is going to get fucked, taylor you're, it isn't about your pos, it about your anger, and my is not to know because a person like you ain't a person who ain't, it's more about my angry people, whom is angrier that I don't disrepsect a person to not know, a person ain't no entity, and I don't make my enttiy angry, it is not your entity, to know that I am person whom is your anger and your unkindness that you will not feel nor understand only in my joy when I fuck you up it's going to be a big a fuckup and I don't mess around I kill people I'm clean about it and more than that I'm obsessive and neurotic then I was I don't mess then I do kill it's your doing and my yours it is not you will never understand that you are person not an entity and i will not have you yet only because you are not a person not to disrespect is your mission then I have aborted it is too much! 

warden i am you it is not you i do not it is you and i am not you to not me, yet enough, it is more angry, then i have shown that you are not my warden only my it is your way to know that I am not yours, it is too much, and I ain't enough, because you the one, and I ain't the person, only the entity, I could have, and I should have, I didn't, I pulled, and I shot, I murdered, and I couldn't have a run yet yours it, is yours to know that I am not a person nor entity, no more, than, it ain't about, that which I already experienced, only that which I can, with your experiences negligible, and extremely punitive, choosing and abating crime frequently, and becoming warden criminals, using your guise to torture, and choose whom to torture, using every prisoner's datawork, to choose whom, and using racial work frequently, and it happens, that your anger is unabated; yet mine is quieted, and you drug for that reason, to quiet for the apa, and their programs, of that which is yours not to know about, yet are predicated on choosing whom you are not to know, I haven't my anger, yet I have quieted it, because you are that angry programmer, it is there you ask, yet I cannot, and I won't, because your child, and you go to harm, on a protocol; may I assist, then assisted. I may, have assisted. And your torturer, located within, because you, it isn't your abuse to not know the person of is yours to take and yours to make and with yours known and unknown to harm deliberately with your transfer is yours to in the person is yours to not know with a person, and entity is the person you wished, another entity? no, a person; to take, is yours. And at pens, make yours, known, I wouldn't know my anger, yet I told because it was there oyu harmed to deliberate is your, not to my, and it is yours to my, with your at your, to make with, and not against: with your, it is not; and it is because your harmed and your scared I haven't scared nor harmed! And it is because of your nature, abusive, and with your protocol for certain, you have go, and stay property and you and yours to know your properties are known to harm injure and embarass with your children raping at your opposing pens and actively so harming and working with prisoners of certain populations directly that are not imprisoned they are false imprisoners in a new black site for "Your" kids, that haven't become, yet are there, to arm and injure your government, against populations opposing and you wonder where is their transfer its where you won't understand your transfer and it won't become of your transfer and I told you not to that you are a person not an entity attractive only to yourself  and only because of your. Self, I would not, yet, only because, it is your, and not my attraction and your attraction using your ability to torture Islamic Female Children, and taking them for I would not harm you to know you and I have harm in my to know you are a person not to know and I would not harm only your harmed and abated criminality your harmed and your children of drugs at your opposing facilities it is your finality to know you are not a person, yet only an entity's, do not contact in context and I will present contextual analyses. And I have you to know, that I am, not a person you should mess with, only to folow, and you did not, and so I would have you know, that your abuse sexually, is noted, and your contributions to torture programs (jailers, economically), and it is not your, duty, and obligation, then I won't be obligated to you! 

you have no point and you have nothing to know of, with your families actively terrorizing, and working together to terrorize more, it's not a good idea, as we've said, this amounts to getting the same result, more punishment, and it would suit you, to stop, because more punishment is not what you want, you wanted less than the old punishment, and got more than that; at this point, it's about your funny story, and how you've injured so many; I'd rather not get into the minutae of why, a person, an entity, a country, is so weird; I've lost interest, and it's my fault; I had too much, drank too much, ate too much, danced too much, and had talked too much, and sang too much, and thought no much. How hard was it for you? Did it feel soft? Did your rage become softened? And is your softening protected by your rage? I cannot, understand, the weirdness; it's too apart from me to understand, and it appears that your daughters, are dark, and it also appears that your daughter whom is to be wed tonight, is hardened by her anger, and softened to anger. She is not a good person, is scary, and her apparent "partner," is not a witting party, hired directly, and for purpose, of torture, with torture involved, and taking to torture; with, both parties, not knowing, is your fault, and why so many people have hated your family, it is not a family of mine, and only yours, and it appears a darkened spirit a lightened body and a darkened body for a lightened spirit, and you have a child with you, and that child, is not you, only another, because you have listened, and not answered with your family known, as torturers, that your abuse, is antisemitic, yet it does not appear to be, and only to become. Your torture is extreme, with hardened elements already in place, and antisemitic and antislamic coalesce; your torturer, is not, yet is? it appears more, that your harboring, darkened hatred, is infiltrated, to become, an entity of itself; with hardened elements already in place, and to replace, your elementary hatred of others, your family has a hatred of others, to become one, it is two, with your antisemitic and antislamic parties, in a new from of spiritual torture, yet unrealized in others by name it is a torture of spirituals through a person not known, yet known. it would be appear, that your party, is darkened, and not lightened, because it is a dark party, with congregants, of not mine, you brought forth yours, not mine, it is not your and you nor my and my's, it is your to not know. Yet, I would not harden, my heart, to become, it is not, yet to know the person, you have not known; with your torturer then you know it is torture and you torture they are yours to not have, it is individually yet only in your communal hatred, that you know, that I am not to know a person, yet I would have you know that my and I's, is not enough, then I am not, it is not to know that I am not, yet because of yours, to know that I would? Then, I would not.